Part 9

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Mackenzies P.O.V

Maddie thinks she I absolutely amazing just cos Abby actually pays attention to her so she gets her dances done. I have only got half a day left and then it's competition day! I haven't even finished my dance and Maddie has finished two.

I have decided to take matters into my own hands. I will finish the dance myself. I will have to come up with some good choreography and it will have to be 1st place material.


4 hours later...

I have finally finished my dance! It took me forever. I think it is amazing, it's better than what Abby has give me. I decided to make up a whole new dance so that I don't have any of Abby's rubbish choreography. I a really proud if my dance and I hope I win cos I will be really happy if i do.

Also I am not going up against Maddie cos at this dance competition the age ranges are different. But I bet even if I do win I won't get a praise off of my mom and Abby. They don't care about me so there isn't really a point in trying or even expecting it.


5 hours later...

It was time for us to go home and when I was in the car my mom kept talking to Maddie saying "Darling, I love your dances soo much your just so talented" and more like that. Rubbing it in my face.

I turned around and said "well I have choreographed my own dance and it is amazing"

My mom said "okay kenzie whatever, haha"

Maddie said "keep telling yourself that kenzie, it's obviously not you have no talent".

I got sick of it so I just turned away sand out my headphones in. Then Maddie pulled them out my ears and she broke them! I told my mom and she said it was my fault cos I wasn't listening. I couldn't hear her so it wasn't my fault, she should of just tapped me on the shoulder.

Later that night Maddie had her friend, Kendall , over and they came into my room and were being horrible and saying things like "your a loser", "your worthless", "nobody cares about you". They wouldn't leave me alone. I tried shouting for my mom but they pushed me and slammed the door. My mom probably doesn't care anyways she is probably watching one of Maddies dances. She always watches them.

I had to get away but I had been locked in my room. I needed to find a way out...

End Of Part 9!

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