Part 14

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Everybody was really nice to me but me and Abigail seemed to become best friends.

It was the next morning and Mike got me a social worker it was a tall, dark muscly man. He was called Zac. He was really nice to me and then we had to go and have a meeting.

I walked in and they all sat there looking at me and said "sit down please Mackenzie."

I sat down and they asked me loads of questions like "why don't you want to go back", "what was it like" and so on.
In the end they said I could stay. I was so happy, I went straight away to tell Abigail. We then went and told the rest of them. There was this one lad whose room was opposite ours he was fit as anything, his name was jake, I had a secret crush.

3 hours later...

Jake came and knocked on our bedroom door, I started to blush, I could tell that Abigail could tell I liked him. He started talking to me asking like why I was here if I didn't mind answering and how long I would be staying. Then 30 minutes later he left, Abigail shut the door and she asked me about if I liked him, I told her I did and I asked her to keep it a secret.

End Of Part 14!

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