The engagement party and YAY! One Direction's new flat!

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Chapter 3- The engagement party and YAY! One Direction's new flat!

Hey guys!

Zoe/QuirkyPudding is so evil! Making me do the engagement party! Anyways I hope you like this chapter and please comment, read and vote!

Love ya!



Isabella's POV

"You and Niall are getting married!" I giggled, spinning around in circles and smiling. The boys had gone to the men's room, and left us 'princesses' to run around.

"It's just a play, not real life" Ariana muttered, more to herself than me. Since our boss had slipped the ring on her finger, she hadn't been as crazy and Ariana-like as she normally was. She was acting all distant and she was muttering stuff under her breath.

She had also been ignoring all her surroundings, including me, the boys and most of all Niall. You should have seen Niall's face when our boss said they were getting "married". It was mixed with happiness and nervousness. Zoe's face, how ever, was covered in shock and fright.

Niall hasn't been acting like he was just 10 minutes ago either, since Ariana ignored him for the 15th time, he gave up and just kinda sat there, off in his own thoughts. It was quite heartbreaking to see what a single girl could do to him.

"You look pretty when you think" a deep slow husky voice whispered in my ear, making me nearly jump 10 feet in the air, as arms wrapped around my waist.

"Don't I always look pretty?" I teased him as I turned around in his arms and grinned up at the handsome devil that was named Harry Styles.

He grinned back at me, showing his cute dimples. "Of course you do babe" he laughed, so I poked his right dimples and giggled. He swatted my hand away and pouted, making me almost melt, right then, right there. It's so unfair how he is so hot that I'm melting and then I'm just...a potato? Potatoes are quite pretty though! So I'm more of a spud.

"He's still sulking" Harry said, motioning to Niall with a jerk of his head. I loved the way his curls bounced on top of his head, it looked so cute and funny.

I turned my head, and my heart basically broke at the sight. Niall was sitting next to Louis, who was saying something that was making Zayn and Liam laugh, and he didn't really look like Niall. If you get what I mean. His normally bright blue eyes where a dull grey and his shoulders were slumped. His eyes were downcast, looking at his shoes and he just looked so sad.

I decided I had to do something or the wedding would look like a funeral, and they were both walking to their deaths! I slipped out of Harry's grasp, earning a soft sigh from him, and skipped over to Niall, putting on the happiest smile that I could.

"Hey Niall!" I sang as I reached him, taking the seat in between him and Louis. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to face Louis.

"You won't get a response out of the poor lad, I've tried!" He sighed, and flipped his imaginary hair over his shoulder making me laugh.

"You don't know me Tomlinson! I will make him talk , and when he does I'll go CSI on his Irish butt!" I giggled, before turning back around to face Niall. to make him talk? Oh that's right!

"Hey buddy, what's wrong? Is it cause of Ariana?" I gently said, patting his shoulder and giving him a side-on hug. His body tensed at her name, like I knew it would, and he let out a shaky breath.

"I-I just thought, that maybe she liked me ya know? Maybe I'm wrong, but she laughed at my jokes, even the lame ones. And she was looking at my out of the corner of her eye when she was talking to you, then she turned and gave me a wink. She even called me 'her prince', so I thought we had something! When I first saw her, we stared at each other for a while before we both snapped out of it and started talking, surly that meant something at least!" Niall ranted, before groaning and hiding his face in his hands.

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