Bad News With A Hint Of Good News

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"I think we should hear the bad news first" Harry answered, rubbing small circles on my back while holding my hand. I smiled gratefully at him and leaned back into his chest, stopping his rubbing.

"You sure? Okay then, I'll be blunt. Ariana hasn't been showing enough brain activity over the last 2 months so I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but we are going to have to cut of her life support" support? How come no one told me my best friend was on life support! No, no, no, no, no! They can't just kill my best friend, I won't let them.

I looked over at Niall and saw him looking at the doctor like he wanted to seriously maim him. If he did, well I'd gladly help.

"When was she put on life support? How come nobody told me? How come you didn't tell me Harry?" I questioned, acting as calm as I could.

"She was put on it about a month ago, and you were and still aren't emotionally stable so we couldn't take the risk of telling you." The doctor replied to the question I didn't ask him.

"What do you mean 'were and still aren't emotionally stable'?" I demanded. I'm not emotionally stable! I'm perfectly fine, I think.

"It just means we didn't want you to freak out, babe" I heard Harry whisper in my ear. Freak out? Of course I'm going to freak out! My best friend is on life support, and not for very long either.

I, for once in my life, ignored Harry, even though I was sitting on him. I glared at the doctor before turning to the other seats where Liam, Zayn and Louis were seated.

"Are you guys just going to let him kill Ariana. Kill might be a harsh word, but it's true!" I raised my eyebrows at them. They didn't even reply.

"Niall, your not going to sit here and let this happen, are you?" I asked him, shell shocked. Did none of them really care? If I was the one in the coma, would they all just give up on me too?

"Of course I'm bloody not!" I snap out of my thoughts as Niall's voice echoes in the small room. I give a small smile, at least Niall will back me up.

"I'm sorry sir, but we can't let you turn off Ariana's life support" Niall turned to the doctor and I wanted to hug Niall so bad.

"Actually, I'm sorry, as that's not your choice to make, Mr. Horan. Its the families choice, and since we cant contact them, its the doctors" I swore I saw the doctor, Thomas, smirk.

Okay, I'm not a trained doctor or nurse but I just know that's not the rule. Doctors just can't kill a person without families permission. I think this Thomas doctor is bonkers.

"Who says we aren't family? I'm Ariana's cousin and Niall was adopted into the family as her brother, ya idiot!" I glared at him, trying to make my horrible lie convincing.

"But-" he started.

"Fine, don't believe us. But, as you should know, Niall and the other 4 boys who are here, are in a pop boy band called One Direction. They are quite wealthy and have Simon Cowell and a whole lot more people to back them if they decided to sue this hospital"

I admit, it was low using the One Direction card. But Niall and I were going to keep Ariana alive, no matter what.

"Fine, we will give her another month" he basically snarled out as he stormed out the room. I sighed in relief and laughed as Niall picked me up off Harry's lap and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back before he sat me back down.

"Good work Izzy!" He beamed at me and I smiled brightly back. And Ari thought he didn't love her!

One month... Lets pray a month is enough.

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