Still Alive But Barely Breathing.

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Hey guys!

Sorry it's taken me forever to update, just been busy with school and stuff,

Anyway, hope you enjoy this!

-Michela xx


Isabella's POV

The first thing I saw when I woke up with bright light. I vaguely remembered walking with Ariana to get some ice-cream, but that's where my memory stopped. My eyes opened wider as I looked around the current room I was in, a hospital room.

I turned my head slightly, wincing in pain, and saw Ari on the bed next to me, eyes closed and looking like she was asleep. Her chest was still moving up and down, so I wasn't that worried at the moment.

I tilted my head the other way, and saw 4 empty seats. One seat was right next to my bed (I hoped with all my heart it was Harry's) and the other three were in a line, further away from me.

I turned back to Ari and saw a single chair next to her bed. Niall's. Even though Ariana always denies it, Niall likes her, no doubt.

Just as I was sitting up slowly and trying to lean back on my elbows, the white hospital door burst open and I saw four boys walk in chatting, while a blonde blur ran over to the seat next to Ari's bed, instantly taking her hand.

I turned away from Niall, as if to give him some privacy, as saw three boys sit down while the last locked eyes with me. I instantly smiled as I lost myself in them beautiful green eyes. Harry rushed up to my bed, and smiled at me, dimples, teeth, and all.

"Your awake!" He breathed, sounding so happy that I almost burst into tears. I didn't know he cared about me that much.

"I think I am, what happened Harry?" I whispered, not trusting my voice. He sat down beside me, grabbing my hand, and looked at me with such happiness and love that I melted back into the pillows.

"You and Ariana were crossing the road to get ice cream, when a stupid stupid truck ran you over. The doc said your lucky to be alive." He muttered, looking like each word killed him to say. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him, as if to say 'I'm here, and I'm not leaving anytime soon'.

"ERMAGOD IZZYS AWAKE" I heard the familiar screech of Louis's voice as Zayn, Liam and, of course, Louis ran over to my bed.

I smiled at each of them in turn, and gripped Harry's hand tighter, feeling extreme pain in my neck. Harry, being the amazing person he is, felt me squeeze his hand tighter, and kissed me on the cheek.

The boys cooed, like the idiots I know and love. I blushed under all the gazes I was under, and turn to look at Niall, who was still clutching onto Ari.

"What's wrong with Ari?" I asked, biting my lip as I gazed at her intently. I suddenly felt nervous, my eyes filling with tears. I didn't know they were running down my face until I felt Harry cup my face and gently wipe my tears away with the pad of his thumb.

"Um.. The thing is...Ariana is in a coma. It's possible that she might not awaken" Harry muttered, before climbing into my bed next to me.

My best friend... In a coma. She might not awaken. She might die. I might never hear her happy, hyper voice again. I might never ever see Ari ALIVE again.

I let the words actually sink in before I burst out crying, hiding myself in Harry's chest as I clutched onto him. I heard the others muttered to each other as they went back to there seats, leaving Harry to comfort me.

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