Are You My Disney Prince? (A One Direction Love Story)

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Hey guys! This is Michela here, (TheSkittlesAreMine). Zoe (QuirkyPudding) and I are doing a joint story on our joint account! In this story Zoe is Ariana and I am Isabella.

Please comment, read and vote!  

Love you all! 


Isabella's POV

"I hope we get the job! It would be sooooo fun!" I giggled, as I skipped around the annoyed but laughing Ariana. She smiled and rolled her deep brown eyes, at me. "Would you sit still for at least a minute?" She drawled, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Why would I do that?" I questioned, stopping in front of her, and wagging my finger at her, "Only normal people do that!" I mock-glared at her with my blue-grey-green ever changing eyes. She rolled her eyes again and started fiddling with her brown long hair.

"We will get the job" She stated, smirking at me, "we are awesome badass mother truckers with as much sass as Louis Tomlinson. We are sure to get the job"

I laughed and started to play with her long silky hair, only to get my hand whacked away.

"Damn right!" I yelled, flipping my light brown hair with blonde highlights over my shoulder. About a dozen of teenagers that looked about 17 started giving me strange looks. I winked at them, and stuck my tongue at them, before turning back to Ariana.

"Ariana and Isabella please go to the head office" A bored female voice drawled in a British accent, that came out the speakers.

I gave a high pitched scream and pointed at the speakers that were attached to the corner of the room.

"THE MACHINE THINGS ARE TALKING! I TOLD YOU ARIANA THAT ROBOTS WERE GOING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! AHHHHH WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!" I squealed and Ariana's brown eyes widened and she jumped out of her seat, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me back and forth.

"WE WILL SURVIVE! JUST STAY CALM! STAY CALM, YUP JUST STAY CALM! DON'T YELL OR SCREAM JUST STAY CALM!!!!" She yelled at me, before she started shaking and then fell back into her chair in a 'faint'.

Everybody in the small waiting room was staring at us now, but we were used to people giving us weird looks, because well, we are weird!

I kneeled in front of the chair she was in and took her hand, squeezing it, as I turned my head and gazed around the room, locking eyes with multiple green, brown and blue eyes.

"Someone help her! She's dead! That stupid voice k-k-killed h-h-her!" I stuttered, letting go of her hand. I then started sobbing, placing my head in my hands.

"Ariana and Isabella to my office now!" This time a deep manly voice barked through the speakers, making Ariana and I quickly jump to our feet and run out the room, and up the awesome swirly stairs to our hopefully new bosses office.


"I told you we would get the job!" Ariana laughed as we walked out of our NEW BOSSES office. I giggled and looped my arm in hers, as we skipped past the waiting room. "WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD, THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ! BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE HE'S THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ!"

We stopped at the small desk near the entrance. A woman sat behind the desk with long black hair and bright green eyes that matched her nail polish. She looked around mid-twenties. She looked up as we approached, arms still linked.

"So your the newbies" she said, in a American drawl. The way she said it made me confused, was she asking us a question or telling us this? Make up you mind you confusing human being!

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