Singing Shopping and Never Have I Ever!

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Chapter 5- Singing, Shopping and Never Have I Ever!

Hey guys, so Zoe canceled the wedding... And Niall is gone... And I'm not actually sure what I'm supposed to be writing about but anyways here we go!

-Michela xx


Isabella's POV

How could Ariana be so clueless!? Niall was staring at her the whole movie with big puppy dog eyes while she cuddled up to Zayn! He looked so heartbroken as he ran out the door that I just had to run after him.

"Niall!" I yelled as I ran out the door, I could see him a few meters ahead, but I'm quite a good runner so I easily caught up with him. I'm not as good as Liam but Im better than most people, and I don't even practice, which is weird.

He kept running even though he knew I was next to him, so I pulled him into a hug that made him stop in his tracks. We were about half way down the empty dark street, and I was getting nervous. I felt like I was in one of those horror movies..

I felt him hug me back and I heard him choking back sobs, poor Nialler. I rubbed circles on his back and hugged him tight, it felt a bit weird as I'm shorter but overall it wasn't that bad.

As I rocked back and forth with Niall, I heard footsteps..they were quick and loud and coming straight towards us. If it was someone who was coming to rape me, unlikely but when I'm scared and alone with a sobbing boy in a dark street my mind comes up with crazy things, I would have to fight them off as Niall wouldn't be any help.

I timidly moved my head out of Niall's chest and looked up, only to see the worried face of Zayn. Oh thank god it wasn't a murder or something else. Although Zayn could still rape me..I don't think he would..just in case I shall pray he doesn't.

"Niall, buddy, you okay?" Zayn spoke, his voice so loud that it gave me the shivers, and it was quite cold too so that didn't help. I raised my eyebrows at Zayn giving him the 'Does he look okay?' look, making him take a step back. I'm not that scary am I?

"I know it's not your fault Zayn but I really don't think he wants to talk to you right now, don't worry about him, I'll look after him" I quietly spoke as I heard Niall's sobs get quieter and he started to cling to me.

Zayn looked hurt but covered it up quickly, giving me a nod as he walked back to the small flat, hands in his pockets and his head lowered. I kind of felt bad as I knew it wasn't his fault but someone had to tell him the truth so I did. And normally I'm not that blunt but when i saw Niall crying something just snapped in me.

When I first saw a picture of One Direction, I wondered who they were but I thought the blonde Irish one was cute and the curly haired guy was hot. Niall was my favourite until Ariana started liking Niall, then I backed off and fell in love with that curly head guy. But that doesn't mean that I hated Niall, he was still my second favourite. (Although after meeting them, I've decided I'm not going to play favourites anymore) Anyway I'm talking about this because Nialler is just so cute, how could I let Zayn take him away? But I'm not stealing Niall off Ariana, even if she is slowly breaking his heart into a million pieces.

"Niall" I whispered as his sobs stopped and it's stopped raining. Well not really rain but because my head was in his chest his tears fell on me, but I didn't really mind that much, I never really liked my blue and white dress, but it was a Christmas present.

In response he lifted his head slightly and gave me a weak and flattering smile. My heart broke at the sight. I cry easily, if you didn't already know, so I really wasn't surprised when tears started to well up in my eyes.

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