Request by @scaredpottah0864 - Absolutely Terrible (Reader's POV)

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Hey @scaredpottah0864! I got your request, and this is for you and your best friend :) Hope you enjoy <3 btw, tell your best friend that she has a good best friend. 

Song: "Sofia" by Clairo, "Willow" by Taylor Swift

You walked over to the man in the yellow shirt with the black tie sitting in a booth opposite someone who looked like a gangster from the back. What was the owner of Los Pollos Hermanos doing talking to someone who was wearing a black beanie with the hood of his oversized yellow jacket pulled over his head? Only someone who had something to hide would go to that great of a length to conceal his identity. Whatever; it didn't matter. You had something important to say to Gus Fring.

You walked up to him, and he turned his head, almost robotically, towards you. 

"Can I help you with something, young lady?" He gave a posed, prepared smile.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, you can," you said with contempt. "Everything here was absolutely terrible. One of your employees was rude to me at the counter, first of all. Second of all, they messed up my order. And on top of that, the quality of the food has really gone downhill, and that's not including the hair I found in it." 

You sighed, happy to get everything off your chest. Honestly, life had been pretty rough lately. You were working a minimum wage job as a server in a diner, where guests didn't exactly tip well. Your parents had disowned you, forcing you to move out, and the rent was piling up, even though you lived in a minuscule apartment downtown. 

"Damn, Gus, looks like you lost a customer. Eh, I'm not surprised." The beanie-hood guy leaned back, eyed you up and down, and smirked. Upon closer look, he was pretty good-looking. His blue eyes seemed to hide a deep soul. Gus shot him a dirty look. 

"I'm sorry the service and food were unsatisfactory," said Gus. "Please, take this." He pulled out a small coupon. "Your next meal here is on us."

You slowly reached your hand out to accept the coupon and took it. Then, your hand dropped limply as your face fell. 

"I'm... I'm sorry, sir. I've just been having a hard week, and I didn't mean to take it out on you. It wasn't absolutely terrible like I said. Here, take your coupon back. I don't really need it." You shoved it back into his hand and briskly walked away, embarrassed.

How could I be so dumb? Ugh, get it together, (Y/N), you thought to yourself. You returned to where you were sitting and sat there, staring at nothing, contemplating your life decisions. Some time must have passed because suddenly, the gangster-looking dude slid in the booth, sitting across from you. 

"So... what was that all about, huh?" He leaned forward.

"Why do you care? Don't you have better things to do?" You turned your head away and crossed your arms. 

"Eh, sure, but helping a doll like you suddenly just shot to the top of my list." He leaned back nonchalantly and smiled slyly.

"Well, maybe I don't feel like talking..." your voice trailed off because you knew you were lying. 

"I don't buy it. Look, let's just get this over with, ok?" he said chuckling cockily. "I think you're cute, you think I'm cute, so let's get to know each other, yeah? My name's Jesse." He outstretched his hand, and you hesitantly shook it. 

"(Y/N)," You replied. 

"(Y/N). Hm. I like that." Something about him was dangerous, yet genuine. You wondered what he was thinking about you at that very moment. 

"If you must know, my parents totally cut me out of their life, ok? I'm stuck fending for myself, working at this quiet diner where I make next to nothing. I live in a shithole. And... my ex-boyfriend was abusive." The words started pouring out of you. You had been keeping everything in for so long that all your dark secrets started to spill out. 

"I stayed with him, but I ended things last week because I couldn't take the pain. He keeps trying to contact me, and I know it's bad for me, but I'm tempted to go back just so I can have somebody. I'm so alone." Your eyes started to well up with tears. You had just poured your heart out to some random dude. He looked so shady, but not like the typical shady guys who appeared untrustworthy. He seemed inexplicably trustworthy somehow.

"Aren't we all? But damn... that's wack." You giggled at him saying "wack", even though he said it seriously. "Look, I understand, actually, believe it or not. My folks canned me too. But, you know, you move on, live life." He shrugged, trying to smile, but his expression shifted back to one of seriousness once he saw your blank epression. 

"But, it's hard, isn't it? Look, don't worry, ok? I-it gets better over time, I swear. I mean, I'm doin' pretty good." 

"Yeah, what are you anyway? Some kind of drug dealer?" You laughed slightly, knowing that you were only half-joking. 

Jesse rolled his piercing blue eyes. "So what if I was, doll? What, you'd turn me in?" he asked sarcastically.

"Of course not. I wouldn't blame you, honestly. Must make good money." You sighed heavily, thinking about having all that cash in your hands. So what if it was drug money? Money is money, after all.

"You know," he paused, contemplating what to say next. "Yo, I think I could help you. Adjust I mean. Since my folks kicked me out, I could show ya the ropes." He winked, and your heart fluttered, but you ignored it (or tried to, at least). 

"Hm..." You began pondering, then realized, "Well, I have nothing to lose, so sure. You could be an ax murderer for all I know, but hey, death might be better than this life." You shrugged.

"Hey, don't go around sayin' stuff like that. But don't worry, doll, I ain't no murderer." 

He pulled out a napkin with his number written on it. 

"As soon as I saw ya, I wrote this down. Give me a call if ya need me." He slid it across the table and left the restaurant, leaving you wondering what the hell you had gotten yourself into. 

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