If you met in high school

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Song: "Crush" by Tessa Violet


The bell went off and it was time for your next period. Chemistry. "Ugh." You thought about how much you HATED chemistry. Your teacher, Mr. White, was soooo boring.
The one and only thing keeping you from dying of boredom was your lab partner, the guy you sat next to: the infamous Jesse Pinkman. He had this infectious smile and sexy laugh you couldn't get over. He would always crack jokes in Mr. White's class, just to you. It made you feel special. Sometimes you'd lay awake at night thinking about those little exchanges you had all semester. 

Once, when Mr. White went on a trip to the office, he messed with your (y/c) hair and you began tickling him in response. "You're such a little punk, you know that?" You said, louder than you should've (the whole class was looking, but trying not to). "Maybe I should call you 'Punkman'! Yeah, Jesse Punkman!" You smiled smugly as if you won some sort of fake battle.  "Whatever, doll. Just makes me sound cooler. Damn right, I'm a punk, bitch!" He smirked. "Ugh, you are just too much," you sighed, leaning back into your chair. "Why thank you, sweetie it's what I'm best at. Should I give ya my card, yo? Jesse Punkman, CEO of being too much." He pulled out a lighter and began smoking a cigarette. Mr. White came back in and he immediately put it out and away. 

You always loved that bad-boy stoner type. You were just an average girl, and simply interacting with a character like him excited you. His friends, Badger, Combo, and Skinny Pete, were alright, but you always knew Jesse was the cute one. The sparkling blue eyes. The gravelly voice. Well, there was chemistry there. At least, you hoped.

Today, he saunters in late. "Ah, Pinkman. Glad to see you've finally joined us," Mr. White says sarcastically. "I hope you have a late pass."

Jesse rolls his eyes, giving him his answer. Mr White turns back to his chalkboard. "Now, back to what I was saying, there can only be a certain amount of electrons in..."

As he sits down, you click your tongue. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Punkman, you're late." You whisper. "Well, I'm here aren't I? Geez. Yo, time is relative, right? I'm pretty sure Einstein came up with that one. And hey, we're in chem! See, matches, right there." He leans back and puts his feet on the desk. "Einstein was physics-", you begin. "Aw, sweet cheeks," He cuts you off. "Try not to miss me so much. I only came to this class for you, ya know." He raises his eyebrows and pokes your shoulder lightly. "Yeah, right," you roll your eyes.  He puts both of his hands in the air, as if he's under arrest and makes his eyes wide. "Hey, yo, I don't lie. Especially not to you, doll." He puts his hands down. "Just sayin..."

Secretly, you hope he's telling the truth more than anything. "What if this cool, thrilling, and handsome guy actually liked me?! No, don't get your hopes up (Y/N)" You think to yourself, wondering if he could actually hear your thoughts as his gaze meets yours.
"Pinkman, feet off the desk, please," Mr. White said. The whole class turned around to look at Jesse. "Yeah, yeah alright, you can turn back around now!" he said.

You look away from Jesse and try to focus on the words Mr. White is saying, but they just become nonsense. Your mind is too focused on the fact that THE Jesse Pinkman's hand is loosely at his side, almost underneath the desk, as his other arm props his head up, his elbow on the desk, his cheek on his palm, with an expression as bored as, well, a druggie learning science. But his hand. So, so, so close to yours. You scoot forward, making your hand almost meet his, but don't look at him. Your cheeks feel red-hot like they're near a fire about to consume you. You think you even feel a bead of sweat on your forehead. Oh god, I hope my hands aren't clammy! 

You squeeze your eyes tight and bite the bullet, fully grasping his hand. He looks over at you, amused and happily surprised. He gives a small smile with no teeth, just enough to let you know he likes you too, but not enough to announce it to the whole class, in case anyone was looking, especially Mr. White.

You prop your head up on your elbow, same as him, and, for a brief moment, your eyes meet. In that moment, time stands still. All that matters is his ocean eyes looking into yours. His face and light brown hair catches some light from the window, making him glow even more in your mind.
He interlocks his fingers with yours. Your heartbeat is so rapid, you swear it will jump right out of your chest then and there. Hell, he already stole your heart, why not?


"Class dismissed."

After class, Jesse walks out with you and says, "Hey, you wanna grab a bite to eat, since school's out? After, I'm rehearsing with my band. You wanna come?"

Could you be more ecstatic?! "Yes! I'd love to!" You exclaim, hoping you don't sound too forward.

You two held hands as you walked toward his red car.

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