You watch him play in his band

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(No song, but this is kinda a continuation of the last imagine)

"Yo, thanks for coming to our rehearsal. Take a seat." Jesse begins to set up his drumset as you watch patiently from the couch. Every now and then, he looks at you and gives you a quick, almost sneaky smile.

Once he and his band are ready they begin rocking out. You admire Jesse's face, deep in concentration, as his hands hold the drumsticks firm and steady. When he does look at you, he smiles widely, just knowing you came to his rehearsal. You two exchange a smile, and he doesn't miss a beat. Badger sings the tune pretty well, but you can't keep your eyes off Jesse. You look back down to his hands and wonder what else they could do...

"Fallacies, fallacies, two for you..."

You actually kinda liked this song, and the more you saw how involved Jesse looked, the more you liked it.

After rehearsal, Jesse walks up to you and gives you a big hug, his oversized jacket bringing warmth to your heart and body. "Thanks for coming, sweetheart."

You tell him how much you loved his playing and how cool it was that he was in a band. "Playing drums is pretty cool," you say with a smile. "You wouldn't have me play like, I dunno, guitar, instead?" He asks. "No," you reply. "Drums is perfect. Loud, crazy, wild, just like you. I love the way you play drums."

"Maybe I could try to teach you some time!" A look of excitement crosses his face.

"Yeah." You nod your head. "I'd like that."

Jesse Pinkman x reader Imagines FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now