He formally asks you to be his gf

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You get a text in the morning. Meet me outside. Let's have a special day together. Your boyfriend, Jesse, had been extra cute lately. He brought you flowers once, just because. Every now and then, you'd catch him looking over at you with those beautiful crystal blue eyes, a look of pure admiration in his face. Once, you read a book where someone described the way a man looked at the one he loved. The Great Gatsby. "He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man." That's how he looked at you. 

You walked outside your apartment and headed toward Jesse's red car. He stood outside, grinning widely and spinning his keys in his hand. "Hello, m'lady." He opened the car door for you. "Why thank you, kind gentleman," you replied wittily back. He started the car and looked at you, smiling with a dopey look on his face. "What?" you asked, blushing. "Nothin' babe, just staring at you. You're beautiful." 

First, you arrived at a small lake. "Wow, I didn't realize that they had lakes in New Mexico." He looked over at you and put his arm around you. "Yup, learn new things everyday sweetie." He licked his lips and then looked back at you before getting out of the car. You guys walked down to the lake. "Soo... what do we do now?" "Are you kidding!? It's New Mexico! It's hot as fuck over here. We swim!" You laugh. "Jesse, I didn't bring a swimsuit." He walked up to you and took his shirt off. "That's no problem, doll..." He winked and bit his lip and he began taking your shirt off. You felt exhilaration running through your veins. You were soon undressed and only in your bra and underwear, but you didn't care. You jumped into the cool water with Jesse. Once, he hid underwater, then jumped up and surprised you by pulling you down with him. You kissed him underwater. Everything felt magical. You two were in your own little world.

When you two were done, you guys got back in his car. As he was driving he intertwined his hands in yours and gripped your thigh. "If you thought that was great, wait till you see the next part." He took you to this beautiful lookout spot on top of a hill in the desert. You both walked out and leaned on the hood of the car. He smoked a cigarette and looked at you with that look in his eye. He pulled out a pocket knife. "Jesse! What the hell?" You exclaimed. He chuckled and said, "Yo, relax, sweetheart. You see that tree over there?" He gestured towards a tall tree standing alone in the desert. "We're gonna carve our initials in it." You both walked up to the tree as you wrote a (Y/initial) and a dash next to it. He completed the dash with a horizontal line, making it into a plus, then carved the letter J. 

He looked at you and brushed away a strand of hair on your face. Then he leaned in and kissed you for a long time. It made you melt inside with delight. "Ok, now, (Y/N)..." he whispered an inch away from your face, "will you be my girlfriend? Like, officially. You know, committed type shit." You pulled him back in for another kiss. 

"Yes. Absolutely yes. I'm all yours." 

"I'm all yours," he replied.

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