Absolutely Terrible Part 3 - The Final Chapter (Reader's POV)

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You stared into his deep blue eyes. He means it. He is going to tell me everything, you thought.

"I've been having a hard time, ok man?" He shook his head, tears coming to the surface. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just... I thought you wouldn't talk to me if you knew. I didn't want to lose you, you know?" He turned away from you, dropping your hand and running his hands through his hair. 

"Well, you think lying to me was going to keep me?" You shouted angrily. "I can't even trust you... we're supposed to be friends. Friends don't lie to each other!" You started crying.

"I know, I know!" He yelled back. 

"Maybe...maybe we aren't friends then." Your voice fell to a whisper as your shoulders drooped.

He whipped around quickly to face you again. "I said, I'm sorry! What more do you want?"

"Why?" You couldn't even bear to look at him. "Why do you...tell me the truth, that's all." 

"Ok...ok, fine, I will. I'm...I've had a long history with this type of thing, ya know? Drugs and shit. I started small, just selling here and there, but my old uh...chemistry teacher, Mr. White, he came along, said he wanted to cook and sell, that he knew how, that..."

"Wait..." You met his eyes. "Your teacher? Jesse..."

"I'm not lying, I swear (Y/N)! He fucked my life up. I don't know where my life was headed before this, but now it's all screwed over, and I can't escape from this... I tried to get clean, sober up a bit...but uh..." He rubbed his neck with his hand. 

"I...I believe you, Jesse." You nodded your head. "Thank you for trusting me. I promise I won't tell anyone. I really won't. God, that's just, absolutely terrible."

"Yeah, no shit." He shook his head. "So...we friends?" His blue eyes gazed into yours. 

You realized something. You didn't want to be his friend. You wanted...more.

"No, no I don't think so." You shook your head then broke into a smile. "We're more."

He looked slightly confused, but then you came closer to him, and he smiled back. 

"You are absolutely terrible for me, Jesse Pinkman, but..."

"I love you," he whispered. "I always have." 

"...but I love you, too," you finished.

He pulled you in for a kiss, his soft lips meeting yours. It was beautiful, but it wasn't enough. You wanted more. And he did, too. You ran his hands through his hair as he gripped your waist. He began tugging on your shirt, sliding his hand up the back, undoing the bra with one hand, and moving it back to the front to run his hand up and down your body. 

You pulled his shirt off of his head, and he pulled off yours. It was only a matter of time before you two went to bed together and made sweet, sweet love.

After you two finished, you laid in bed together, wrapped up in his arms. 

It was better than you've ever had before, better than your wildest dreams. 

All you could say was that you were so glad you went to talk to Gus that day.

Even though it was absolutely terrible, everything was absolutely perfect.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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