How you two met...

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Song: "Lonely Eyes" by Lauv; play once you reach the part where Jesse stares

You awoke in an unfamiliar place. Where were you? You looked around. The floor was a brick red, and there were large metal machines everywhere, like some kind of secret scientist's lair. You think back...the last thing you remember, you were laying on your couch rewatching Breaking Bad for the 5th time. You were in quarantine during the time of the coronavirus, and what else was there to do? Besides, you could look at Jesse's face for hours, and being the huge fan you are, you knew that he was in every single episode. 

You begin walking around, slowly. The red floor, the giant, silver machines... The realization dawned on you. You heard voices yelling in the background.

"Jesse, come down."  

"What?" You thought to yourself.

An all-too-familiar voice replied, "I'm so close."

"Let it go. We need to cook." That sounded like something from... Breaking Bad?

You walked closer to the voices. "Jesse? Walt?" You asked in complete shock. "What the hell? How did I get here?"

Jesse looked down at you from the tall ladder, stunned. "Mista White... who's that?" 

Walt got up immediately from the stool he was sitting on. "I-I have no idea, but she needs to leave. Now. Do you have any idea how much trouble we would get in if-"

"Hey, who are you?" Jesse interrupted.  

"I'm..." You looked around for a moment, thinking to yourself, "I thought there was a camera in here. Wait no."  You knew this episode. Fly. The one you thought was funny, somewhat unnecessary, but hey, still good. And Jesse was in it a lot ;)  But the camera wasn't installed yet.

"I-I'm (Y/N). I don't know how the hell I got here. I'm sorry. But, I know that you're Jesse." You nodded towards a shocked Walt. "And that's Walter. Walter White. Believe it or not, you guys are on a show called Breaking Bad. I don't know how, but I got teleported here."

Walt stood up. "Now hold up, that doesn't make any sense. Who are you and how do you know our names?! Are we going to have to dispose of you?" 

"No, I swear. I won't tell anyone. I'm a huge fan of the show. That's how I know everything. I don't have a family or life here. I don't exist. You'll find no record of me. Sure that makes me easy to dispose of, but please. I just want to help you in any way that I can." You rambled so Walt wouldn't get too mad. But then, your eyes drifted toward Jesse. 

Jesse just stared, and you stared back. He looked you up and down, intrigued by your story. You felt mesmerized by his ice-blue eyes and were amazed to see him in person. He stepped down the ladder and scratched his head in confusion, a slight smirk on his face. "I believe her. I know it's crazy, but something about her... I just know she's telling the truth. You said your name was (Y/N)? Nice." You smiled at one another. 

"Thanks." You felt your cheeks grow warm as your heart fluttered and butterflies filled your stomach.

Walt looked between the two of you. "Alright, you know what? Fine. You wanna believe her? Fine. Keep her in check. I'm feeling quite tired." He sat back down.

Jesse walked over and whispered, "he didn't sleep last night, so I put a lil somethin' in his coffee. You want some?  I promise I won't put anything in yours." He gave you the cutest wink ever. You wanted to kiss him right then and there, especially with his face so close to yours, but resisted the urge. "Oh god, I'm staring at his lips."  You caught yourself. 

"No, I'm alright, but I can help you catch that fly." 

He opened his mouth in shock. "Wow, you really are like, magic or somethin', yo. We didn't even tell ya about the fly."

Fortunately enough, it flew right towards you. You saw in front of you and clapped as quickly as possible. You opened your palm. 

Jesse exclaimed, "Mista White she got it!" But he was sleeping.

You laughed with him. He said, "Well, Mista White said to keep you in check, so I guess that means you're staying at my place. You have nowhere else to go, right, magic girl?"

You nodded. Soon enough, you were riding in his red car, arm out the window, like a dream come true. He kept looking over at you and biting his lip while he was driving. 

When you got back to his place, he opened the door for you, saying "It gets lonely, ya know. Living in this nice, big house all by myself. Especially with the things I've been through."

"Yeah, I know. I'm magic remember? I know all about everything. You don't have to talk about it. Why don't we just sit together? Watch some TV, play some music, anything. I'm down."

He gave a small smile and looked down at his feet, then slowly looked back up at you. "Yeah, I'd like that very much. Something tells me you just get me. I don't have to even talk to you. I just see it in your eyes."

From then on, you two grew a bond like no other.


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