You get kidnapped

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You woke up in a dark place, unsure of your surroundings, sitting in a hard metal chair. Your hands were handcuffed together and tied behind your back, and your mouth was stuffed with some kind of fabric with an awful chemical taste. You tried to move your legs and realized that they were tied to the chair as well. 

Looking around, you realized the place was practically barren. There were no special markings, no hints around the room to indicate where you might be. There were no windows or doors. Just wood. Wooden floor, wooden walls, wooden roof. Where the hell were you? 

Flashbacks started appearing, like little electric sparks of memory zapping into your brain. Kicking, screaming. Your mouth getting stuffed. Passing out. And... Mr. White. 

Slowly, you saw what looked like a trapdoor opening and a ladder coming down. Footsteps. You braced yourself for the worse. Mr. White came up the ladder and into the room. 

"What the hell, dude?" You asked angrily. "You're supposed to be Jesse's friend and partner. What do you want with me anyway?" 

"I'm sorry to have dragged you into this." Mr. White looked flustered, yet calm somehow. "I had to, you see. Jesse... he's not listening to me. He is starting to trust Gus more. Gus! Look, we can work together, see. I kidnapped you so that he thinks Gus did it. And he'll get mad at him."

"Are you insane? He'll find out, you know." 

He pleaded with you. "Please, (Y/N), I just want what's best for him, don't you see? Gus is a terrible, terrible man."

"Oh, and you're not? You literally kidnapped me, you psycho! Why didn't you just, I don't know, talk to him?!" You screamed, almost crying.

"He needs to stick with me. For his own safety. He won't listen. But action, action will show him. He will never forgive Gus."

Mr White left the room. You waited for what felt like forever, sure you were going to die in here. All of a sudden, you hear a door open and slam shut. 

"Where is she?!" You recognized Jesse's unique voice. 

"Jesse, I'm here!!" You called out. 

"(Y/N)! I'm coming (Y/N)!" He yelled back.

Suddenly a door opened through the floor. You were in the attic of Mr. White's house. You felt shaky as you climbed down the ladder. You wrapped yourself in Jesse's arms. 

"What the hell, Mr. White! You really thought I was gonna fall for it? Yeah, well I checked with Gus, and you know what? I believed him.  When he said he didn't kidnap (Y/N), I believed him. And what do you even have to say for yourself? Wh-Why would you..." He trailed off, perhaps not realizing he was shouting incredibly loud.

"Jesse, I did this for you. You don't see it, but I did. I promise." Mr. White tried to reason with him.

"No, I'm done. (Y/N), we're getting out of here." He said curtly.

He took your hand, but he didn't grab it hard, like you thought he would. Despite being so angry, his touch was gentle. You two hurried out of the house with Mr. White yelling, "Jesse!" over and over. 

You got into his car and he drove you two away, keeping your hand in his the whole time. When you got back to his house, he hugged you. You two shared a long, passionate kiss. 

"I thought I lost you." he said quietly, almost in tears. 

"It's ok, Jesse. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." You two shared a smile, noses touching.

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