He comes home late...

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Song: "drinking games" by Silver Sphere

Your boyfriend finally walks through the door. You check the clock. 2:47 am.

"Jesse! Why were you out so late!? I was worried about you babe. Especially with your line of "work", you know?" He walks closer to you, and you realize he reeks of chemicals and weed.

"Hey sweetheart... ya got some suga for me?" He stumbles into the house towards you. You extend your arms out towards him, catching him. He starts leaning in to kiss you. You can smell the weed on his lips and in his breath.

"Baby, you have to lie down. Sit, babe, you're high." You gently guided him toward the couch.

"You know what happened? Mista White and I got into a fight. Figures." He shrugs and pulls out a doobie to light up.

"Hey, just talk to me," you said as you sat next to him. "Why didn't you call me?"

"Like you'd ever understand. Nah, nah, don't talk to anyone, can't talk to anyone, Mista White says. Bitch."

"Babe, you know you can talk to me." You said more firmly.

"Don't press me, yo. It's whatever." He releases a puff of smoke. "Can we just fuck? I'm kinda horny."

"Excuse me?" You asked with irritation. "I'm so tired of you coming home late and high. I just miss you!" You stood up from the couch quickly.

"Yeah, babe, I miss ya too, c' mere." He stood up to hug you, but you turned away.

"Fuck you, Jesse Pinkman. And you know what? Fuck me for caring about you."

"Hey, what'd I do wrong, huh? I never even told ya about the argument! Is that what we're in now huh? Argument...bitch."

You stopped in the hallway for a second to look at him, then turned to walk upstairs to the bedroom. Jesse knocked out on the couch.

The next morning...

You walk out of the bedroom, wondering what Jesse will say. He's sitting on the couch, head in his hands. He stands as soon as he sees you. 

"Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. I got totally blasted high out of my mind, yo. Please, just listen. I-I'll tell you everything. Please..."

You go over toward him and look him dead in the eyes. You put your hands on his shoulders, ready to say something. But, instead, you wrap your arms around him in a tight embrace. He hugs you back, even tighter, beginning to cry. You sit next to him on the couch and he tells you everything about the business and what's been going on. You listen patiently and try your best to empathize. He leans his head on your shoulder. Then, everything is still. You see the light shining through the window behind you, casting a sliver of sunshine on the floor, casting a glare on the TV.  

"You know I could get killed for knowing all this?" You ask. "But it's ok, babe. As long as you keep me a secret, and I promise to never tell. We'll always be okay."

He smiled at you and put his hand in yours. "Always."

Jesse Pinkman x reader Imagines FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now