Absolutely Terrible Part 2 (Jesse's POV)

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Song: "Line Without a Hook" by Ricky Montgomery; "Let's Fall in Love for the Night" by FINNEAS

I walked out of Los Pollos Hermanos, heading to my red car. Who was she? Why was I so attracted to her? Get it together, Jesse. She's just some random girl.

Still, something drew me to her. Was it her sparkling eyes? I swear it was like staring into her soul. When she told me about her family disowning her, I couldn't help but feel for her. Did she also have a younger sibling who got all the love? What was her mystery? Why did I care? 

I got into my car and turned on the ignition. I sat there, staring into the dark parking lot. 

She ran out of the restaurant. "Jesse, wait!" 

Breathless, she said, "I need a ride home. Please." 

"Yeah, whatever, hop in." I tried to play it as cool as I could.

She directed me to her apartment, and I realized it really was in a bad place. It was near Wendy lived. Yeah, that hooker. I can't believe I was desperate enough to hook up with her. 

"Thank you, Jesse. Nobody has ever shown me this much kindness before. I truly appreciate it." She smiled and blushed, then turned and left. 

Driving home, I couldn't stop thinking about her and how intoxicating she was. I was inexplicably drawn to her. Yet, I knew I had other things to think about. That meeting with Gus... 

Mr. White and I may be getting into more than we bargained for. We had already been working hard, but now he wanted even more. Greedy bastard. If only I could tell (Y/N). How did she guess? Did I really look like that much of a drug dealer?

That was final. (Y/N) and I had to remain just friends. That's all it really was, wasn't it? I just wanted to help her as a friend..

By the next day, I was already waiting for her call for the entire day, even while working with Mr. White. I was restless. At midnight, my phone rang and I immediately answered, only to hear "We've been trying to reach you regarding your..." 

I hung up instantly, disappointed. The next thing I knew, my phone rang again. Random number.

I took a deep breath. Sound chill, Jesse. Stay cool.

"Sup?" I held my breath.

"Jesse?" I heard the sweet sound of her voice. "Is this you?"

"You know it. Whatchu need?"

"Look, I know it's late..."

"Nah, you're good." I hoped that she could hear my smile on the other end of the line.

"Can you come over? I just need some company. You wanna go for a drive?"

Now, the grin was so wide it was almost unbearable. "Sure thing, I couldn't sleep anyway."

I practically sped over to her place to pick her up. She was wearing an oversized jacket and sweatpants, but she still looked pretty. Just friends, just friends... I reminded myself.

"Where do ya wanna go?" I asked, looking over at her messy hair.

"I don't know. Anywhere," she whispered. "You seem like you know a lot of places. Just take me away from here." 

"Alright, then. Away we go." 

I took her out to the desert, where, so long ago, Mr. White and I first cooked in the busted RV. She got out of the car and sat on the hood, staring up at the night sky. I followed her out and sat next to her. 

"You're a good friend," she said. Oh. So she thought of me as a friend, too. Glad we were on the same page, I guess.

"So much has been on my mind. I tried to call my parents, and they wouldn't even pick up."

"You know," I began, "I got a younger brother. Gets everything. All the attention. I was "bad Jesse", the monster, out to corrupt little Jakey." I scoffed. 

"Yeah," she replied. "I feel that. My sister has always been the "perfect" one. It's hard being the reject. But, you know, I sit here, staring up at the night sky, and it makes me feel so... insignificant. In a good way." 

"Like our problems aren't that big in the big picture of things?" I asked.

"Exactly." She smiled. 

As time went on, we grew closer and closer. Late-night drives became our thing. We were only friends, but we were best friends. And not the way that I was friends with Badger and Skinny Pete, either. Having a girl best friend felt different, somehow. 

One day, she stopped by my house while I was lighting up. Yeah, I had slipped back into my old habits. Old habits die hard, ya feel me?

She walked in happily. "Hey, Jesse! You won't believe it! I-" her expression became one of dismay and shock. 

"You're... you're... that's meth. You really are a druggie, aren't you? And you never told me? You never bothered to tell me? I thought we were friends."

She turned away quickly to leave, hair swishing behind her. "Wait, (Y/N)! Let me explain." She froze, mid-step.

"What is it, Jesse?" she sighed, but she didn't look angry anymore. She looked tired and sad. She had heavy bags under her eyes, accentuated by her frown.

I pursed my lips, considering my options. Do I tell the truth or make up some bullshit excuse? 

I decided.

"I'll tell you everything. I promise. Just stay."

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