Kings Cross

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That night all I could think about was how regulus was going to kill me if he knew I had his book. Even though I didn't take it on purpose it still haunted my dreams that night.

The next morning I wake up from Sirius running into the room. Why does he always do this when he is over. " Come on little lupin get your things ready we are about to leave for kings cross." I groan and sit up rubbing my eyes. Kings Cross, already?" Fine just leave my room so I can get changed" I say slowly getting out from under the covers.

Putting on my wide legged jeans and dark blue tittle neck I go over my packing list. Last year I forgot all my quills and had to use remus's to send a letter to mum. It wasn't the most comfortable experience telling the teachers you forgot quills. they are one of the most important things I need for the school year and some how I forgot them.

Your outfit

I packed my trunk triple checking to see if I had everything

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I packed my trunk triple checking to see if I had everything. Once I was completely sure I had everything I headed down stairs grabbing a piece of buttered toast off or Remus plate.
" You got everything moony?"

As he went over the list in his head I could see his forehead wrinkle as he thought. Finally his face calmed and he spoke once more. " yeah I got everything. Oh Wait...I don't have something. My piece of toast!" He said snatching the half bitten toast from my hand. I mean I did steal his toast but he almost gave me a heart attack considering that our father had just walked through the garage door confirming all the rinks were in the car.

I hit Remus on the shoulder and grab sage off of the couch. (Sage is your cat).

As we got in the car we quickly figured out there wasn't enough room for the 3 of us to sit in the back. Noticing the lack of space Sirius lays on the floor. "Look I really am a dog!" "Sirius wait sa-." *meow* "You could have told me I was laying on your cat!" I just laughed and  wittily commented, "Well that would have ruined the fun wouldn't it?" I spoke with a smirk on my face. He just rolled his eyes and smiled brightly.

For the rest of the ride I carried Sage since Sirius was to stubborn to move and I admired his resentful ness. It took forever to get to kings cross but when we arrived I could barely sit down any longer. I jumped out of the car as soon as Remus opened the door " come on sage." In almost a whisper I heard Sirius say " I swear that cat will be the death of me." Rolling my eyes I grabbed a trolly and placed my trunk on top. " Come on boys we can't miss the train this year."

After the boys grab their trunks we head towards platform 9 3/4. On the way we run into James and Peter. " oh hey guys how was your summer?" Peter stays silent as always but James goes on and on about his summer. " we went to so many places and guys I have great news! Lily replied to one of my letters!" I look at him surprised. I'm happy for James but lily never responds to his letters. Either something changed or she was getting annoyed. "what's the catch prongs?" "Well... lily responded that's for sure.." after what seemed like hours James finally finished his sentence. " she told me that if I sent one more letter she would hex me. But still it's a start!"

I feel almost sorry for lily. To have someone follow you around obsessing over you. It just seems a bit much.Getting lost in my thoughts I walk straight into someone. " Sorry" I say thinking it was probably just some first year. But when I looked to see who it was I found a pair of bright blue eyes.

Well shit! The one person I'm trying to stay clear of I bump right into. Leaving his gaze I continue walking. Unable to get the unreasonably attractive boy out of my head I turn back to were I last saw him. There he was just starring at me.
Before I could revert my eyes I could have sworn I saw a wink come out of his eye.

Probably just my mind playing tricks on me. I mean why else would he even glance at me?


Me and the marauders enter the train after an incredibly long goodbye speech by James parents. Finally after looking through almost every compartment we found one at the beginning-of the train. finally a chance sit down after carrying my trunk for the past half hour. Maybe I packed a little too much.

"Need help there y/n," Sirius says with a smile on his lips staring deep into my eyes. I don't know what it is with the black children, but they were very attractive and nobody would argue with that. I give Sirius a smile and a nod and he lifts my trunk to the top of the compartment. After a long morning of no sleep, sitting down for four hours and carrying a trunk for an eternity I finally got to just settle down and let the worries rush out of me.

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