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I here the door creep open and I look to see who's there. Could someone have come to save us? I look over and see Voldemort. My face drops even lower than it was before. "Now don't look so sad I don't hurt you." He said with a smirk on his face. " I have actually come to release you but on one condition... you have tea with me." What the bloody hell!?

Why would the 'dark lord' want to have tea with us? He always has a reason for everything. Their is always is a motive. But what could he be planning that involves the step of having us attend tea with him?

"fine but after that you let us go!" As soon as I said those words he let us go making us instantly fall to the ground. "So you guys prefer any sugar or creams?"

Soon I find myself sitting at a table with Voldemort and regulus. We had some conversations and Voldemort doesn't seem to bad when you talk to him. But that's what he wants me to think. Or Maby he's just a good person who has morals that many others don't believe in. Does he know that he is fighting on evils side? Or is it the good side to him? Evil is just what majority of people disagrees with and good is what most agree with. There is really no good and bad, just opinions and morals.

"- you know regulus I bet your wondering why I gave you and your little friend here the mark. Frankly I only did it because I'm afraid of your mother... I know what your think ' the dark lord afraid of some boys mother' . To be honest yeah. She is one scary woman. If it was up to me you wouldn't have the mark till your 17 or at all. Children were almost out of the question considering they would be our future and should be able to make decisions of their own."

Not gonna lie but Voldemort is kinda making sense and I'm not feeling comfortable with it. But this is what makes him such a good rival. He is manipulative and is trying to play with the strings of our heart. Voldemort's manipulation is working better on me than regulus. I understand what he's doing but still decide not to do anything about it. Almost letting myself enter the trans.

Before we left the hide out which turned out to be the malfoy manor Voldemort told us something important. " now even though I won't give you tasks unless very necessary I will need you to attend meetings. During them I'll need you to act that you are under my control due to regulus mother being there." As soon as we walked out the door he told us one last thing. "It will also kill you if you don't attend not my decision just how it works" he said calmly before he had a house elf close the door In front of us. Leaving Voldemort behind and away from his rath or rather flame.

Thankyou for 1k reads! Sorry for such a short chapter but I hope to update very soon.

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