The injury

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"Wake up y/n!" Opening my eyes I notice someone shaking me. " you know Sirius you could have just tapped me nicely to wake me up or at least get Peter to do it." Sirius stares at me for a little while before quickly leaving the compartment. " Why is black so weird?!" I mutter under my breath while grabbing my trunk. " I know you hated me lupin but you don't have to be so open about it."

Recognizing the voice I freeze. Why the hell is speaking to me?! " wasn't talking about you I was talking about Sirius if you must know" I say as confidentiality as possible. " that makes more sense. You can turn around, I won't bite." Something about him saying that made me actually think he would bite. Slowly I turned around fearing what would happen if I didn't.

As soon as I turned around I met his icy blue eyes. " now that wasn't so hard was it" he said with a smirk on his face. Instead of having his robes on I notice he has an all black suit on. Looking down at myself I realize I'm not wearing my robes either."What do you want black that was so important that your making me late for the carriages?" He looked at me surprised. " well I expected a thank you maybe. 'Oh thanks for giving me the last copy of the book so I didn't have to go all the way to hogsmade to get it' he said in a girly voice.

He gave me the book on purpose? But why?
" thanks" I respond confusedly. " but why did you give me the book black?" He just stared at me for awhile and then smirked. " I have my reasons" he said before leaving the compartment.


Why are they so confusing.
Sometimes I wonder if I should just become lesbian. Girls are way easier to understand than boys.

Leaving the compartment I notice everyone else has already exited the train. Thanks a lot black. As I walk over to the gate and see regulus waiting. This boy is everywhere. I'm not complaining but it's becoming a bit weird.

I let out a loud sigh and walk threw the gates.
" you know black if I didn't know any better I'd think you fancy me with all this stalking you've been doing." He just looked at me. Not saying a word. "You wish Lupin" he said running I front of me. Little did he know I did wish. Who wouldn't? " last one there is a rotten egg" he said getting closer to the castle by the second.
" oh your so on black!"

As we ran I looked up at the dark sky. Filled with clouds which would give rain any minute now. As if the weather gods heard me it started to rain. It was almost like a fairytale if you looked at it. A girl and boy running in the rain to a beautiful castle in the distance. But beauty never lasts long.

I tripped. In all the places I could have tripped I tripped in the middle of a muddy path while it was raining. As I tried to get up my ankle felt as if someone threw a Boulder at it. Letting out I sigh black turns around noticing my state.
" your so clumsy. Can you get up?" " what does it look like genius" I say Sending him a glare.

"Give me your hand" he said calmly. At first I was hesitant but quickly realized I had no other options. He lifted me up to my feet and tried to help me walk if even it was with one foot. Let's just say it wasn't working well and I fell over multiple times in the mud.

By now my Clothes were ruined. I look back up to regulus and see him thinking. Suddenly his face lights up. " hold up lupin" he says before picking me up. What the hell! I tried to get out but I stayed put.

This is going to be a long ,long walk to the castle.

𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐞 { 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 } Where stories live. Discover now