Silent Fringer

21 3 1

Write a paragraph that focuses on using figurative language. Use one of the two phrases: "we didn't lose our tongues" or "we are made of glass." Be descriptive. Try to limit any and all exposition. Show don't tell.

"Mute freak." She heard, and was shoved against the wall. She bowed her head, and gave no reaction. "Why don't you just talk?" Mute. Freak. Talk. Don't. Can't. Voice. Shouldn't. Freak. Mute. Talk. Talk. Talk. Can't. She turned and walked away. The hair fell and covered her face and covered the black cracks crawling up her neck and cheek. Another face, pale and beautiful, glared at her as she passed. Mute. Freak. Talk. Don't. Can't. Voice. Shouldn't. Freak. Mute. Talk. Talk. Talk. Can't. The glare bled hatred, it bled pain, it bled ignorance. He caught up to her, two fingers under his cerulean eye. The same black cracks trailed up his neck to his eye, as his two fingers lowered. She raised two fingers and placed them under her pistachio eye, a sad smile lingering on her lips which he returned. One filled with dirt eyes bleeding hatred, bleeding abomination, bleeding distaste, shoved between both him and her. "Silent fringers." the one muttered. Silent. Fringer. Speak. Don't. Can't. Speech. Shouldn't. Fringer. Silent. Speak. Speak. Speak. Can't. They walked together in silence, they always did. They just wanted to be equal, they always have. They just wished to belong, they always wanted. They just wanted to talk, they always wished. They didn't lose their tongues. The cat never caught them either.

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