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Choose an object you would find in a garden, then write five smilies about it. Then write similes about those smilies. Then write a poem using the smilies you just wrote.

It was as red as the blood of angry men.
The brick felt as heavy as a newborn baby.
It's size was like the size of an encyclopedia.
It broke like glass.
The brick tasted like dirt.

The blood of angry men was as colorful as the stained streets.
A newborn baby was like an angel from life.
The size of an encyclopedia is like a young child crying.
Glass is like our mentality.
The dirt was as organic as life itself.


It was the early morning after the last battle.

The streets were empty;
The bricks were as red as the blood of angry men.
One fell from a crumbled wall;
It shattered like glass.
It was like our mentality;
It could break so easily.

I picked up what was left of a child's chair;
It was cast down to make the barricade.
It weighed as much as a newborn child;
One is like an angel from life.
There was no life left on the stained streets;
They were as colorful as the blood of angry men.

The sun rose and dawn came once again.

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