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My eyes open feeling a tear run down my cheek. My throat hurt and felt swollen as well as my entire body. Chills run down my stomach feeling nervous about today.

I didn't know what was about to happen but I had an odd feeling.

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath trying to relax but my body was tense and cold.

Before I could turn to my right I felt a soft warm hand clean my cheek from the tears that just fell. I felt his hand move to my neck then down to my waist caressing it slowly making my skin warm from the coldness. I felt his lips make contact with my cheek making me smile from his delicate touch.

I turned to my right and immediately my warm brown eyes made contact with his stone cold ones.

His tongue wets his lips meanwhile looking at my features. I could see hunger and passion on his eyes.

I move closer to his embrace making his warm body in touch with my cold skin. His big arms surround my tiny body moving me closer to his.

I take a deep breath enjoying this second trying to feel happy for once but immediate thoughts of last night filled my head.

The blood.

His lifeless eyes looking directly at mine.

The cold rain all over my body.

And my lungs aching in pain because of my actions.

All this made me realize that killing all those men didn't make me a hero but a villain.

Maybe I was the villain all along.

I could feel his fingertips on my arm, his hand moving up and down slowly making me feel excitement and comfort.

His chin moved to my head and he gave me a small kiss.

"Elijah wants to meet us in a few minutes." He says with his rough morning voice.

I simply nod. Not wanting to leave from this position, I decided to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. My hair was messy and I could already tell I had dark circles under my eyes. I stand up stretching myself, feeling my body warm and relaxed.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I just couldn't recognize myself. I felt something missing in my mind. Something I had to do and get over with.

I wash my face and finish my business. Jason enters the bathroom and brushes his teeth. After that his arms surround my waist pulling me towards him. He gave me a passionate kiss filled with desire and hunger. His hands move to my waist as he bites my lip softly making me moan.

We both break the kiss making our foreheads stay in contact meanwhile I smile from what just happened.

"I know about him." He says softly. He moves a strand of hair from my face moving it behind my ear.

"We can help him." He continued knowing he was talking about my brother.

"How?" I said hopeless.

"With time, Rose."


We both walked down the hall, men walked next to us giving us frightened glares which I knew they felt that because of Jason.

He is way taller than anyone here and his face always stays in a neutral way. They knew about him and what he is capable of doing.

We arrive at his office and without knocking we enter. He is sitting in front of us. His arms are crossed and his face stays neutral as if all his emotions were turned off.

We walked in not keeping our eyes from Elijah. I sat down and Jason stayed behind me standing.

"Why were you in Damon's club?" The question came out of nowhere, my thoughts were all over the plays not expecting that.

"I wanted to see some of my past members." I said. I clenched my jaw and I could feel the nervousness filling my body.

He stands up and says, "I don't think so."

He moved closer to me which made me feel nervous, even if I was his daughter the idea of him torturing me still assembled in my mind.

I tried to stay emotionless as if he didn't bother me, but on the inside I was scared. Scared of what he is capable of doing, of what he will ask me to do, of what I am capable of becoming because of it.

But I guess we already know what I have become and it will never change even if I do something good in my life.

"Why were you there?" He approached me even more. Not wanting to show that I was afraid I stood up and moved closer to him. My fingertips touched the metallic on my side knowing that if he did something I will kill him in a second.

"Why do you care?" I said.

Elijah's face showed anger and before he could do something I felt Jason's hand pull me backwards and his built body moved in front of me.

Elijah chuckles and his mischievous grin formed. He backed away and sat on his chair sighing taking a minute of thinking. The tension in the room became more uncomfortable than before.

Elijah's eyes make eye contact with Jason.

"You haven't lost your temper have you?" He says with a grin.

"I actually thought you were gonna kill that man with your fists." He chuckles. "Why didn't you?"

"I didn't have a reason to kill him." Jason's way of handling this life of war made people have respect for him. He didn't just kill people for pleasure, if they hurt someone he loves he wouldn't hesitate to do it. That's what most people don't understand.

"If I order you to kill someone, you do it."

"I don't follow orders from anyone." Jason says.

"Then why are you here? Why did you come to my house knowing what I was going to ask you." Elijahs says.

"I came here for Rose. And if you don't like that then why did you allow me to stay? You knew what I came here for, you knew that I came for her."

Elijah stays silent taking a good look at both of us. Jason and I stood in front of him with death glares. Elijah smiles knowing how much power he has with both of us staying with him and helping him do his dirty work.

"I want you guys to help me." He says standing up walking around his office. "When Rose shot you I became hesitant about asking you to become part of my group, but I knew you will come back. I knew you will come back here even if she did that to you because you love her. You both are the reason why people respect me."

I became so confused by his answer. Elijah killed to earn respect, we earn respect by helping others.

"When people least expect it from you guys we will take the opportunity to end the mobs and kill everyone." He smiles proudly, "That's what you want? Don't you? You want more power for your gangs. You guys want to be powerful and with our people reunited, we will be unstoppable."

We didn't say anything. I know that helping him will give me the advantage of knowing what his plans are. That's why I am here.

To earn his trust.

To know where he is keeping all the women and save them. To end him and his mob.

And after that? Kill this son of a bitch.

"Deal." I said.


Sorry for not uploading this past few weeks. I am having some issues here at home.

I am preparing the rest of the chapters ready to be published

Thanks for the support and love.

What do you think about the story so far?

Sorry for any grammar mistakes!

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