chapter 15 - dreams mean something

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He holds you close. Closer then you've ever been, even on the nights you've spent with him before. As you wished, which he had no reason to disagree to, you're head rests on his large chest. He can hear the stuttering in your breathing. He doesn't know how to make this stop, so all he can do is hold you close to him.

"Vergil?" He let's out a soft 'hmm? ' and you internally gear up to say this. "You... won't let anything bad happen... or leave, right?" A wave of confusion washes over him as the words leave your mouth. "Of course not." You close your eyes and are hit with the memories of your dream.

The chains digging into and burning his ridged flesh. His roar of pain echoing through your head. All this and there is nothing you can do.

You shake again, holding back the sobs bubbling at your throat. He feels you start to grow uncomfortable once more. "I saw you die." He freezes and his mouth opens slowly, theres a pause before he can bring himself to speak. "....What?" You sit up, tears filling your starry eyes. You look into his the best you can, the face in front of you, a murky watercolor.

"In my dream, I saw you die. I saw them kill you." Your head and shoulders drop, shaking as tears fall onto the stomach of his shirt. You look up once more. "I tried to get to you but they-" you choak on a sob, the back your throat aching. "They pulled me away, no matter how much I thrashed and screamed they wouldn't let me go..."

You pull his hands to yours, both of your hands grasping onto his pointer fingers. That being all you could hold completely. "I lost you... and didnt even get to sa-" you stop yourself. Not, not yet. You can't, that's wrong. His face contorts and he's filled with more confusion, but... something deep within his chest flutters. You're so shook up over the thought of him getting hurt and losing him.

Wait, what exactly were you going to say. You didnt even let yourself finish. He scans your face unable to get any hints from your broken expression. You shake your head, trying to clear it. Gaze breaking, you look down at his chest. "My older brother was there, he- he tried to comfort me. But he wouldn't let me go. He just pulled me out into the snow, he kept saying that I was safe now."

"I kept trying to tell him you wouldn't hurt me, but he wouldn't listen. Then he hurt me... again... when I tried to get away." You looked back up, his face was warm... So unlike him. his eyes held hope. It was like something long gone had finally returned to him. You raise one of his hands to the side of your face, his palm almost engulfing it entirely. Holding it there you rest against the palm, closing your eyes.

Knowing he wouldn't have done anything on his own. Not that he knows how to initiate affection at all....

All of this? You're so shook up over loosing him and now your sitting, essentially, on his lap and holding his hand to your face. The hand that could so easily eclipse your entire skull and crush it like a grape. He could destroy you so easily, and yet here you are. For the first time, he felt hope, a true hope for his own future. Not that his curse could be broken but that maybe, just maybe, he could...

He doesnt deserve this, deserve you. Deserve to be this close to someone who could bring him so much joy, hope, and love. You had to have known this, but you just do not seem to care. A sudden need to protect you floods his senses. "I will never let another person put there hands on you, ever again. " your eyes flutter open, and once again so does his chest.

The two of your hold eye contact and he continues. "You have my word." Your lips curve into a smile and you turn your head against his palm. Many bits of him flutter as your lips press sweetly into the warmth of his hand. Your eyes shut again as you sit there like that, it takes everything in him not to pull you in and make you his own right now.

He takes a deep breath, trying to push down the urges. "Now, its immature to continue to dwell on dreams." You owe him nothing. You pull your lips away, instead resting your forehead against his hand. "Thank you... you make me feel so.. safe."

The room was dark, and filled with the sound of your steady breathing, you'd managed to calm down and rest once more against his chest. The sound of his heart lulling you to a slumber. Hes starting to get used to the sight of this, you curled up, asleep, so close to him. His eyes draw to your arm, once badly injured. He should've known to wait for you and not let you go anywhere close to that place.

And because of him you were hurt. He lifts the arm gently to get a better look at the healed flesh. It was scarred up and uneven, divots of where muscle once occupied. The scars looked like vines wrapping around your arm. His digits run down the soft flesh before he gently sets it back down. You felt like a rag doll like this. Maluble and unaware, so fragile.

The moon light casts on your face, your cheek smooshed against his chest causing a cute pouting effect on your lips. Everything you did seemed to perfect... or maybe he's just in lo... mmm, should he be thinking about this? No. However, that doesnt stop the thoughts from coming. Do you think he... Would you ever let him.... those are questions for another day.

He looks out at the sky then back down at you, with all the stars in the universe... somehow the one on his chest glows the brightest. With that, he allows himself to fall asleep.

The new day brought a new smile to your face. After last night, that dream didnt matter anymore. Of course the sight of him being murdered still sent a chill down your spine, but you had to be strong. No more being caught up in dreams, like he'd said.

You sat in the windowsill of one of the large library windows, looking out at the grounds. Often glacincing back down at the book in your hands. His armchair had been moved, it sat close to the window to accommodate for you need to sit here. Every so often your eyes glances over at him, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. The wings under his clothing almost pushing out.

Your hands almost drop the book and your eyes linger, you almost forgot. He must be in some pain. You look back at the the pages, already heven forgotten what you read. "How are you feeling today?" Vergil glances your way, only for a second before going back to the book in his hands. "Fine." He seemed a bit cold today, maybe it was the obvious pain.

Or maybe last night had overwhelmed him.

"I just... I just thought you might be uncomfortable, your wings seem to be spasming." A rumbling sigh left his chest, and the book in his hands shut. "That is not for you to worry about." Your own was quickly abandoned as you stood from your windowsill. "It is! I asked you to let me take care of you, and I'm going to. Did you think I didn't mean it?"

Hurt rings through your voice, and a familiar unpleasant tightness forms in his chest. No, he didn't think that low of you. The armchair creek's from his weight lifting from it, his hand now offered to you. Lips forming into a small pout you stare at the large outstretched arm. Reluctant to take it at all. "Its nothing to worry about now."

"Come, my pet, I have... something to show you."

And with that, his hand is taken by a familiar softness.
1,379 words.
The next chapter, theres a suprise!
Love yall.

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