Chapter 21 - time and connection

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You look down from one of the library's windows, after managing to get up to a little nook by the top windows. The top of your head brushes the ceiling as you stare out of the tinted glass. The forest below you is lit up with oranges, yellows, and browns. A beautiful change up from the monochrome greens of spring and summer, and the twisted dead grays of winter.

As the anniversary of your fate being set into motion creeps up on you, you can't help but dwell on on the memories from before. Do you miss the constant stress, and working yourself to the point of passing out? Absolutely not, but sometimes you find yourself longing for the chatter and noise of the town. Something to make the world seem alive.

Silence is nice, but when it echos through the walls, and follows you around every corner. Its silent enough to make your ears bleed. You miss the sound of children laughing as they run through the streets, the light trembling of floors as carriages road through the streets. And maybe the exhaustion was worth seeing the smiles from parents and older sibling, knowing that they'll have something on the table for their little ones.

Even if it was just bread.

And then, you suddenly miss your father. He's been gone for about 5 years now, but the idea of bread reminds you of the person who thought you how to make it. How he'd teach you how to makes different desserts and pastries to distract you from... the growling. From the man you have now come to love, in distress.

At night the growling and roars were louder, it sounded closer. Your stomach would churn, making you sick with fear. Trembling under your older brothers blankets so hard that the bed frame creaks. You wish he was here to protect you, he'd been sent off to be part of some war. But something had happened, no one was sent out, everyone else had come home.

Except for b/n, you would sit waiting for him. Until you had received a letter. It was adresses to your father, but little you had a habit of opening his mail. He found you sobbing in that bed the letter angrily tossed onto the ground. He was training to become part of the royal guard, he wasnt coming home. You had no one to protect you.

The creaking of the bed frame alerted your father to what was happening. The door pushed open, his head peaking in. "Honey, is everything alright?" You look up at him, bleary eyed. "Daddy?" He immediately pushes into the room and envelops you in his arms. Smoothing down your hair. "Shh, honey, calm down. It cant hurt you." "Yes it can, it's out there!"

He shakes his head and pulls you back from his chest. "No, Honey, he's locked away. It can't leave. Even if it could, I'd never let it hurt you." Another roar echos through the streets, you shave violently in his arms. Turning away from him and vomiting on the floor from fear.

"What are you doing up there?" You look down at your love and smile. "Oh hello! Just looking." You gaze back out of the window. "You're going to hurt yourself, get down from there." You let out a huff, grabbing the curtains you'd crawled up with. Pushing yourself off of the little landing, sliding down. Way before you come to the ground, hands grab at your waist.

A growl flows from his chest and he pulls you into it. "Brat." He growls out and you playfully puff your bottom lip out. The glare he hold breaks as he looks away, unable to stay mad at you. You slide down and out of his arms, taking his hands and pulling him along with you. Because of your allergies, you've been confined to the castle to avoid another situation like that last one.

So you both takes walks around the halls, and if you ask nicely, he'll answer any questions you have about the rooms you find yourself in. You tend to enjoy the walks, but find yourself feeling a little melancholy after. As does Vergil. It's like you can feel the life it used to have. You can feel the echos of the two small boys running around, clashing wooden swords together.

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