Chapter 7 - Dreams

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Originally written: April 16th, 2020

Rewritten: June 29th, 2021


"No." Swallowing down your fear and looking him directly in the eye. His growling gets louder, his maw of teeth separating as if he's fully ready to rip your throat out. "I am not leaving, not right at this second, furthermore I am not letting you wallow in your own shame and self pity anymore."

His hand drops from the wall, posture straightening. "Now listen, woman." "No, you listen. You said yourself that this was my home now, so you have to deal with me now. And, I am not letting you push me around, or speak to me like this anymore. You will not be ordering me around from now on. Do you understand?" He stands in a stunned silence, and you take that as a yes. "Good."

Before you can move, he grabs your arm tightly, pulling you towards him. "No one has ever had the audacity to speak to me in such-" "Well, there's a first time for everything, isn't there?" A sickeningly feral growl, bordering on a roar, rolls from him. But you hold your stance. "I will not let you treat me this way any longer."

He stands there, practically vibrating with rage, before storming off, both of the bedroom doors slamming open in full dramatics. Despite being nine feet tall, he looks like a child storming off like that. You press your back against the wall, chest heaving with relief. You were terrified in that moment, and no way in hell you were ever going to let him know that again.

Slowly, you approach the doorway, peering out and seeing a tall frame pressed against the wall. It's Arkham, and he looks terrified. The moment he sees you, he straightens up, scared expression vanishing into thin air.

"I've come to escort you back to your room." You choke down the laugh bubbling in your throat. "Yeah, sure... I'm fine though, have a lovely night." You walk right past him, hoping neither of them would bother you again tonight.

Traversing the hall with no guidance is... a lot more difficult than you thought. Somehow you ended up turned around and at his bedroom door again, but eventually, you found the stairs and began your descent. Halfway, meeting the maid again. She followed you back down, and accompanied you on your walk back to your bedroom.

"So, by the way, how do supplies get here? Do you get deliveries or are they grown here?" She lets out a hearty chuckle, it's warm and friendly. Bringing a smile to your face. "Oh no, we do not have the resources to grow food and raise livestock. There's a delivery from the Grand Palace bi-monthly, however they slow down a bit in the winter." You take the information, that must mean the King still cares about his brother, at least.

"So, the King, does he ever... Visit?" She shoots you a glance laced with sadness and pity. "No, well- Once, we saw him sitting outside of the gate, mounted on a horse. He sat there from noon to sundown, like he couldn't build up the gall to come inside. Anyways, from my estimate that was around five and a half years ago."

Oh boy, she sure does talk a lot. As you think back, that was a little before your father passed. You remember peaking around his arm as he walked out onto the porch, seeing a young man swamped by women and girls as he just tried to walk his horse through town. Sharing gentle yet- slightly annoyed banter with the ones who tried to cling to his arms.

As he passed, he looked over at you. You remember him being beautiful, with tossed Ivory hair, icy eyes, and a strong jaw. You gave a timid smile, and he gave a bigger one back. Tossing you a wink before continuing on. It was only later you learned who he was.

So, the timelines match up.

"Any clue why he wouldn't?" She shrugs, casually looping her arm with yours, which you reciprocate. "Well, I mean this in the best way possible, this is where hope comes to die."

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