Chapter 20 - A roses thorns

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You shifted comfortably under the covers, eyes opening to the veiw of the sun just rising. The sky just bairly turning from a periwinkle to a watercolor of glorious oranges. With a smile, you roll over, your loves arms around you. The armor on his body lightly scraping against your bare skin.

You didn't mind, whatever marks it left behind wouldn't even compare to the ones you got last night.

You didnt mind at all when his claws dug into your soft hips, leaving slightly bloody marks behind. As you moved you could already feel the bruising. It didnt matter though, he did. For the first time this morning, your eyes take his beauty in. Eyes closed with his head buried in the pillows, caught in a deep sleep. He'd been so afraid at first, so afraid he would hurt you.

After what seemed like forever of reassuring that you are not made of glass, he let go. And that's when the fun began. Your fingers trace softly down the armor on his chest, finally getting to see more of him. He's still just as beautiful as you'd thought before. The suns rays of light shine through the glass balcony doors and he stirs awake.

His eyes flutter open to see you, already awake, and admiring his form. You looked stunning, practically glowing in his arms. "Good morning." You whisper. "Good morning my dearest." He says, hands roaming your body once again. He stops at the feeling of scabbing under his fingers. Pulling the blankets back, he sees the awful gashes he'd left.

His entire body screams in anger at himself, he'd hurt you.

"Hey." You force your hand under his jaw, making him to look at you. "Its fine, now at least, if anyone were to see them.. they'd know exactly who I belong to." You press a soft kiss to his maw of teeth before settling back down in his arms. "Let's go back to sleep for a few hours, alright?"

Suzie makes her way through the castle for her daily chores, giggling to herself. On her way to the kitchen to help the others with breakfast she finds her coworker sitting with his back pressed against a wall. Arkham's face pale and pressed full of horror. "What's got you like this? You're sweating like a prostitute in a cathedral!" He's quite obviously tired.

Having spent the entire night awake at the fear his life might be ripped away from him for stumbling in on such a 'sensitive' moment. "I-I think I might be killed later on today." The woman rolls her eyes and hitches him up with one arm by his sleeve. "Oh you jester, get up and actually help me around here for once." Her ability to do so, being that her arms are thicker then the man she hoisted up.

"He has nothing else on his mind right now! After all, he and the girl got to know each other in a more biblical sense last night." She giggles out, they both stop, looking each other dead in the eyes as they both try to process it. With the size difference between the master and the girl... how... how did it fit?

Doesnt matter. She marches off, pulling the scrawny man behind her. Giggling off and on about how her plan has worked perfectly.

As time passes the weather's changes had become obvious, fall was upon you. It was only a few months until your first full year here, a year ago today you would've been the only person in a bakery swarmed by people. Getting burns from the ovens and from the people who came in and oh so kindly asked if you were getting married soon. As if you weren't trying to keep a buisness open by yourself.

The little scars on your arms ached at the thought of your work. You dont think that if you ever went back, you could do it again. Ever since the incident with almost getting murdered by a semi-sentient rose, your arm didnt have the strength it used to. You wouldn't be able to knead dough and lift large trays of bread by yourself anymore.

These thoughts swam through your head as you walked through a new part of the garden. You freeze soon after seeing it. The archway, the Rose's blue glow faintly shows through its openings. You shake, the memories of knife like thorns shredding through your arm and the rose opening up like a beast about to consume, coming back to you. You walk backwards, away from the creature that rests under that stone.

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