Chapter 19 - Like Art

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Happy valentine's day, here, have some horny.

He sighs, taking out a handkerchief from his chest pocket. Wiping his face as you continue to apologize. He shakes his head, but when you stop apologizing you have his full attention. Your head shakes with the irritation of an oncoming sneeze. The handkerchief comes to your face as you sneeze again. "Blow." He says, and you follow instruction.

He cleans your own face up and tucks it back in his pocket to be washed later. You look away, feeling guilty. "Are you ill my dear?" You shake your head. "No, at least I don't think so. It should just be allergies. I'm sure of it."

You kept quiet the whole night, afraid you might have angered him. You felt his eyes shift down to you often, which only made it worse. The fire slowly faids, and that's when the two of you decide to retire to your bedroom. Holding his arm you trace the embroidery. "Vergil, dear?" He hums softly as a response. "You arent mad at me for.. sneezing in your face. Are you?"

He sighs, shaking his head. He obviously wasn't, having taken the time to clean both himself and you. Did that not come across right? Is he scarring you? Relief floods your senses as you rest your head against his arm. "Okay, good." As soon as you get inside you rush to untie the back of your dress.

He slowly starts to get ready himself, but his eyes wonder to you. It was noticeable how much you'd come to trust him, at first you would come to him already dressed for bed or ducked behind anything to change. As of recent, you havent felt the need to, changing in front of him. As you strip yourself of your day clothing, he trys not to stare. It's wrong to betray your trust.

But theres something so heavenly about how soft your skin looks, how beautiful your body curves. His eyes are forcibly cast at a wall. You are his love, a person, not an object to gawk at. You settle into bed, waiting for him. Peaking over the blankets to see his shirt gone, and the beautifully articulated armor that covers his entire torso. You take a deep breath and feel your face heat. 'He's so pretty.'

As he slides another shirt on, you feel yourself become more disappointed. You know it's not appropriate to wish this just yet but, you wish that you could see more of him. He soon settled in next to you, enjoying the feeling of you snuggling into his side. Silence permeates through the room as you both try to sleep.

"Vergil?" You whisper, to which he hums as a response. "I think you're beautiful." His breath catches in his throat, and that familiar fluttering returns.

Apon awakening you were delighted to find out that a picnic was waiting for you in the gardens, and even more so when Suzie presented you with a dress she'd picked out herself. The fabric was a beautiful blue floral, but left little to the imagination in the chest area. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you felt yourself flush warm.

Your chest was on full display, and Suzie looked you up and down. "You look very good, if I do say so myself." You had to agree, you looked wonderful. "But don't you think it's a bit... revealing?" She scoffs and pushes you out of the room. "If the master really is as much of a gentleman as you make him out to be, he wont be starrin' will he?" You guess shes right, he wouldnt.

You slowly approach him, nervous as all hell. His eyes are caught in the book in his hands, you walk upto him hands on his arm as you lean into kiss him. Without any hesitation he leans in, accepting the kiss from you. One of his hands grasping your waist, maybe a little tighter then usual. You pull away a smile on your face. "Good morning Vergil." "Good morning my dearest one..."

His voice tails off as his eyes trail down. As quick as it happens, his eyes dart away from you. Taking a seat you help yourself to the breakfast, trying to engage him in conversation but he only answers in short sentences, or not at all. He barely eats, too focused on keeping his eyes off of you. God you looked so radiant, but he didnt want to stare at the exposed skin.

This was going to be a very long day for him.

A very long day indeed. You'd followed him into the den where to two of you sat in a comfortable silence. He couldn't bare to look down at you like he usually, because when he did he gets a full veiw of... you. Everytime he looks at you, something deep inside of him stirs. He trys to repress all of these shameful thoughts and feelings. Once again. You are his love, a person. Not something to gawk at.

He feels a pressure on his knees, and there you are. Your head resting on his leg, your mouth formed into a pout. "Is something wrong? You've been awfully quiet, even for you." He nods no as you stand before crawling into his lap. He takes a deep breath as you do. Your head comes to lay on his chest, your hands pick up on of his. Toying with it.

"I know something is wrong, and sooner or later I'm gonna get it out." You chuckle out, hoping to clear the air. His hand comes to your waist, his fingers slowly brushing over the fabric. Yes, sooner or later.

The night continues on smoothly, the two of you taking your seats for dinner. He'd managed to distract himself from you, choosing to look out the window. The candle light made them pitch black, so the only thing he could see was his own sinful reflection. You chewed at your lip more then you did at your dinner, he'd been rather quiet, but seemed to want to ignore you.

He finally looks at you. As you press a glass to your lips, Suzie knocks her hip into your arm. Some of the wine in the glass spills out onto your chest, slipping down between your brests. "Oh madam, I'm so sorry!" She says, grabbing at a linen towel and handing it to you. His eyes return to the window quickly. Jesus Christ. Either the Universe was doing this to him, or you were doing it on purpose.

Yes. That has to be it. Why else would you wear such a dress?

You eventually headed to bed early, you didnt bother to change into your night clothes. Just layed down on the bed, over the covers, sulking. Had you upset him somehow? Had you said something during breakfast, or was it the dress? If so, you'll never wear such a dress again if it means you dont have to see him so distant again. It reminds you of... before.

You dont know how long you layed like that, but the lit candles burnt to about an inch and the mood had risen a fair amount. The door opens, and your love finally comes in. "Vergil!" You hope that maybe something had changed. And you were correct. Something had. He was over to you in a few wide steps, his hands wrap around your ankles and pull you to the edge of the bed.

"You, brat, have been teasing me all day." You blink rapidly, not only trying to take in what had just been done, but what he had said to you. "Don't act stupid, I know your little game." He leans down, looming over you. You hadn't been trying to, but you weren't exactly mad at his misunderstanding. Your face goes warm, almost excited by his advancements.

"I've been holding back such sinful thoughts about you for so long, and today with that dress, they've come again." So, maybe he wasnt as much of a gentleman as you thought. You arent complaining though. His voice gets to more of a growl, and you feel yourself start to really fluster. "I thought you a quiet mild mannered girl, but today you've shown me the minx you are."

He's practically on top of you now, a primal growl vibrating from his chest. The door opens and in bursts Arkham. "Sir-" his eyes widen and his grayish skin goes pale. He sees you with your skirt hitched up to your knees, Vergil holding onto your thighs while looming over you. That growl from before comes to be more defensive. "Leave."

He does, rushing out while falling all over himself. Vergils eyes come back to you, their once roughness softening. He leans down, pressing a kiss to your neck. "I think you're beautiful." Your breath catches in your throat, and that familiar fluttering returns. Something wet and warm slides across your collarbone. "Like art."

1,498 words.
It's like, almost 10 pm where I am, so technically still valentine's day.

So, yall get to decide how the next chapter starts. Do they fuck or not?
I wont ve writing smut, but if so, it would be implied.

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