Chapter 4- Desperate

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Originally Written: July 17, 2019

Rewritten: June 16th, 2021. 


You stir awake, eyes fluttering open to an unfamiliar scape. You look around at the windows and cold hearth. Your nose and cheeks are cold, but the rest of your body is warm. Your sniffle, feeling the light wetness in your nose. The large windows let in the cool winter light, clouds coming to block the sun. you snuggle your face into the blanket-

This is a coat. A long, perhaps, a tailcoat? It's design was interesting. The rich blue fabric screamed expensive, as well as the lighter blue embroidery down the front. This had to have been commissioned by a royal to a specific tailor, it didn't look like anything they could've been worse amongst your people. Even so, it was heavy and warm. As you take a deep breath in and pick up on the smell of a peppermint cologne.

It was comforting and smelled like your father during the winter months.

"So, you're still here." You sit straight up, and your eyes meet his. "Um, Yes? I'll go if you want me too." As you start to get up you feel the cold air breach your cocoon of warmth. "No. Stay where you are." Slowly, you lay back down and bundle yourself in the coat once more. You try to avoid eye contact, but you can feel his eyes boring into you.

"Why are you here?" He asks, you swallow thickly. "You. My village is the closest to the forest and you-" His eyes narrow and your words catch in your throat. "Your growling- they were scared. And they- they threw me over as a sacrifice to you. I guess?"

He scoffs, resting his jaw on his hand, like a child. "I would not be surprised if my br- the king, had something to do with this." Your brow knits. "He didn't actually when Sir. Montague contacted him about doing something about- you- the king said not to even engage in contact with you." His hand drops, sitting up straight.

Seemingly almost offended by that alone. "You rush to defend him." you give a small nod. "Well, father always liked his rule. Said things got better when he took the throne. Said he was better than his brother before him, I guess he was right though. He prevented all those wars and well, my brother is still alive because of him."

He waves his hand as if willing you to shut up, and you do. With large strides he walks into the seemingly endless walls of books, leaving you alone once again.

You look out at the window, a bird landing on the window seal and staring back at you through the glass. It's feather fluff before it flies off. And deep within you, you feel something boil in your chest. Jealousy. You wished you could leave, fly away and never return to this awful place.

You do have one means of escape though. Once again, you bury your face into the jacket, hiding yourself from the light of the day and trying to sleep. Over the course of a few minutes, you hear him shuffle around the library. Every so often coming over and looking over your form. And eventually, you fall back asleep.


A gasp rips through your lungs as you jerk awake, once again in that bedroom. Growls and the sound of furniture shattering Happen continually. You could tell earlier wasn't all a dream at least, that coat had been laid at the foot of the bed. The noises get louder and louder.

You push off the blankets, greeted by the cold. Without thinking, you grabbed the coat and draped it over your shoulders, making your way into the halls. Despite the volume of the noise, you could tell it was distant, perhaps another floor up? You knew who the sounds came from, and that made you scared. Gut scared. But what if he was hurting another one of the staff?

Even if you get hurt in the process, they could at least have someone trying to help them.

You found the stairs in no time, landmark memory. It's three left turns and two right one's after the blue and white vase. You went up this time, now having no clue where you are heading. It was silent for a few more minutes, and then there was angered roaring. It sounded like how you would imagine dragons sound, like something out of myth.

Well, this whole experience is out of myth. It reminds you of a particular one.

You followed the sound, not stopping even though the closer you got the more your legs shook. Your knees knocking and wobbling at the guttural rage. Eventually you lead yourself to the source. Two large doors, the royal crest carved into the sapphire doors.

One of them was a jar, light spilling from the opening. Not candle light, but the bright rays from the moon. You peered through the crack and there he was, in the middle of the floor, surrounded by broken furniture. They'd been clawed up, and others had been broken in such a way that the wood splintered. Pollinating the floor with bits of chair legs. The closest thing to the door was the remnants of a painting.

In it the late King and Queen stood proud, but whatever stood shorter and in between them had been shredded like your father would do to a bad recipe. You leaned just enough to poke your head into the room, looking for any human person who might have caused the rage or got caught in it. But there was no one other than him, with his back turned momentarily to the door. He peers over his shoulder, and you don't notice until he says something.

"Why aren't you in your room?" There was a growl to his words as they floated on labored breaths. You duck out of the room, stumbling back, your feet getting caught in the trailing end of the coat. You hear him walk towards the door, then open it. He looks down at you, as if he were looking down at an ant hill he would brush under his foot.

You clear your throat. "I thought someone may have gotten hurt. So, I came to help." He lets out a scoff, stepping out of the doorway and closer to you. His massive size completely eclipsed your form, blocking the moon light flooding in from the balcony doors.

"You are a terrible liar." He was trying to intimidate you into getting what he believes to be the truth, well, you had told him the truth. You stand up straight to hide your fear, even though it was painfully obvious beforehand. "I am not lying, but seeing as how there's no one here to help, I will leave." You step away, almost shuffling semi-sideways. Not wanting to fully turn your back to him.


You full stop. There was no more anger in his voice, of course there was the facade of emotionless maturity. But it was laced with something else, something you couldn't quite tell yet. But, a wave of pity comes over you and you turn back to him.

"Come with me."

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