Chapter 17 - My Heart

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A large hand slips under your waist as his shoulders rise. Pulling you up, closer to him, a deep growl escaping his throat as his mouth presses against yours. Your nails continue their trail down where his scalp would be. The growling continues, flowing into a gentle purr. You respond with a soft humm against his maw of teeth.

Pulling back and taking in the veiw of him, there's a beauty to the way the armor on his body forms and articulates itself. He was made for battle, but here he is. Holding you gently. Realization spreads through his body, you had- you really had. Now he's holding you. Really holding you.

The back of your hand runs down his cheek, and that snaps him back. "I don't know exactly what compels me to feel the way I do but, I care ever so deeply for you." In a hushed voice, you whisper out. "You don't have to say anything, I understand how hard this could be for you."

"I do not expect you do say anything just to please me, but I can not deny how I feel now."

Slowly, he let's you back down on the bed. As he tried to sit up, his body shook and ached with exhaustion. Hands on his shoulders, guide him down beside you on the bed. "I'll leave if you'd like me to. I dont mean to make you feel uncomfortable." He doesnt say anything, and you're unsure of if it's out of shock or uncertainty. Normally he's easier for you to read him, but you are semi-blinded by your own rush of adrenaline and emotions.

He lays there on his side with a blank face, looking down at you with those glowing blue eyes that you have come to care so deeply about. Looking away, your own thoughts bring a warmth to your face, choosing to scoot closer to his chest. Head resting on the pillow, you continue to talk, expecting no answer. "I'll stay here for the night, if you dont mind, but... I will try not to bother you from nights on."

Its silent for a good while, this should be a romantic and gentle moment but... he knows not how to approach this situation. Or any situation regarding emotions, for that matter. You scoot back, trying to give him space. Not only was he in pain, but you'd just dropped a huge confession on him. He never stated how he feels, just lays in the uncomfortable silence.

Eventually you close your eyes feeling the heat of his body, as it perfectly calms you to a rest. You allow your mind to slip away, letting sleep overcome you. As you slip away, he continues to watch you. This is a very unexpected turn of events, to him at least. The woman, thrown over the gate of his prison, who coward and ran from him, now lays by his side and confesses her emotions for him.

Lifting one shakey claw, he brushes it down the side of your face. He hums at the feeling of your skin under his hand, the pad of his thumb rubbing small circles into your soft delicate skin. Guilt churns in his chest, you shouldn't have to feel the way you do. Aching for a beast such as he. But the relief fights back, soothing the awful spinning feeling.

He'd spent many nights pained by the fear that his ache for you was unrequited.

He does not have to ache any longer, and neither do you. It's been decided, you will be his. No matter what. With that, he pressed his maw against your crown, as tenderly as he can muster. Then lays to rest himself.

The morning sun did not wake you, but you awoke trying to grab onto nothingness. With hands grasping at the empty air, your eyes shoot open In a panic. You sit up and look around for the man you so desperately wanted to be around. The duvet had been tucked into your sides by someone, and pulled up to cover where he'd once laid. You run your hand along the sheets, still wrinkled with the silhouette of his weight.

Your eyes cast to the glass balcony door, the sky was overcast and gray despite the season. You smile, having found yourself to enjoy somber weather your whole life. You rise from the bed, the cold tile floor on your feet jolts you fully awake. On the trunk at the end of the bed lays a dress and a note. In messy handwriting it reads...

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