Y/N The Gallant

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Dayakka POV

"The Super Galaxy Dai Gurren is sinking!" Cybela says

"Sinking? We're in space!" I exclaim, "How is that possible?"

"The fabric of space-time is being compressed into an ultra dense state" Leeron explains, "Thats why it's appearing to us as water"

"Nothing makes sense anymore" I sigh, "Get us to the surface"

"I can't! Engine output isn't increasing!" Cybela exclaims


"Wake up!"

"Y/N! Wake up!"

"Please, Wake up!"

I open my eyes to see Kittan and Yoko kneeling over me before being tackled into a hug by Yoko

"We thought we lost you" Yoko cries

"Yeah. You gave us a huge scare there" Kittan says, "What happened out there?"

"I don't remember" I say, "Last thing I remember was feeling an explosion of energy then it all went black"

"Well whatever it is, what matters is that you're safe. You're Team Dai Gurrens best pilot after all" Kittan says

"We should get back to the docking bay in case they need us to fight off more gunmen" Yoko says

We go back to where our gunmen are docked before we feel a large rumbling feeling that shakes the whole ship, causing Yoko to lose her balance and fall back. Luckily I was there to catch her

"Careful" I say

"Thanks Y/N" Yoko smiles

"You must be getting soft, losing your balance over a little rocking like this" I joke

"Not to worry Y/N. It's all about filling in the blanks with life's experiences" she responds

"E-experiences" I stutter

"What's gotten into you" Yoko asks

"N-nothing" I say

"You two done making out over there" Kittan teases

Another rumble shakes the ship

"That doesn't sound good. What's going on up there" Kittan asks

Dayakka POV

"Enemy fleet gathering on the surface" Cybela announces

"It would appear that were are being enveloped in a Death Spiral Field" Lordgenome explains, "Spiral Energy is absorbed and converted into mass. Therefore the more Spiral Power we use, the denser this region becomes. If we were to sink into its depths, not even Super Galaxy Dai Gurren would survive"

"Meaning we would be crushed flat by the space pressure" Leeron says

"This can't be happening" I grunt

Simon POV

"Leave it to me Leeron" I grunt as I charge up Spiral energy at a fast pace, "See the key here is to rev up the engines faster than the energy can be drained. Our power is limitless so long as our hearts don't give in!"

"You spout a bunch of crap, but this is crap I can get behind!" Viral exclaims, "Leave the fine tuning to me"

I start to charge at an even faster rate, causing the engines to power up more but not enough to stop us from sinking


"Output is increasing" Leeron exclaims

"Raise the bow!" Dayakka commands, "Take us up!"

Chained Love(Yoko Littner x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now