The Spiral King

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As we watch as Teppelin falls and reveals a giant face, I can't help but feel hyped and ready to take down the Spiral King

"What's happening" Zorthy asks as him and the others run away

"Brother!" Kiyal shouts

"Quit your squealing and run your asses off" Kittan shouts

"Y/N we should evacuate" Simon shouts as he flies to a safe distance

"Yeah probably" I say as I fly off too

"Those are whole buildings that are just collapsing" Yoko exclaims

"A gunmen" I say as Teppelin finally finishes collapsing and reveals itself as a one giant gunmen

"I'm getting something from Teppelins old location" Kinon says, "The pattern is...Gurren Laganns!"

"Are you sure" Leeron asks

"I'm picking up another reading that's completely identical to Gurren Laganns" she explains

After hearing this, Simon and I fly up to the top of Teppelin to investigate

"What's that" Simon asks

"Father" Nia says

"Nia" Yoko says

"Then that means" Dayakka says

"That's the Spiral King" I smirk, "Lordgenome

"That's him" Simon grunts as he flies towards his throne room, "I need to stop him"

As Simon flies through the air, charging Teppelin with a drill, a giant hand arises and emits a force field that stops his attack.

"That's the main core" Dayakka says before Gurren Lagann is flicked away, landing on Dai Gurrens deck, me following close behind

"Simon please take me to my father" Nia says, "I must speak to him"

"Are you insane. He won't let us anywhere near him, let alone close enough to let you talk to him" Rossiu contests, "We should focus on a long range plan"

"Rossiu you dumbass" I shout, "She came all this way just to speak with her father. Ain't no way that's not happening"

"But" Rossiu contests

"When a woman sets her mind to something, a good man is obliged to help her do it" I say, "Ain't that right Yoko"

"Not the time" Yoko says with a massive blush

"Please Simon" Nia pleas

"Right. Let's go Nia" Simon says as Nia climbs into Lagann

"I'm coming too" Kittan shouts, "If I can all this way and didn't kick his ass, I couldn't forgive myself"

"Yeah!" the others shout

"Sorry guys that doesn't seem very likely" Dayakka says as he points to the gunmen being deployed from Teppelin, "Rossiu was right. They're not gonna let us walk up to him"

"How many of those damn things they got" Kittan grunts

"I like the looks of this, ain't that right sis" Kiyal says

"Yeah with so many of them to fight, we can show them the real power of the Black Siblings" Kiyoh says

"Yeah we sure can. But you're wrong about one thing" Kittan says, "It's not just the power of the Black Siblings we're gonna show em. ITS THE POWER OF TEAM DAI GURREN!!!"

"YEEEAAAAAHHH" the others shout

"Simon, well open up a path for Dai Gurren and you take it from there" Kittan says

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