Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire

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I'm not gonna lie, even though we were face to face with quite possibly death(again), there was something oddly comforting about being smothered into Yokos breasts.

"THERES MORE OF THESE DAMN THINGS!!!" Kamina complained.

One of the gunmen tried to smash us. Luckily Simon managed to grab us all with Lagann and began to run away from them.

"AAAAAAH!!!!" Simon screamed, "I WANNA GO HOME!!!"

Simon tried to use Lagann to dig back down to Gihan before being kicked forward and continue running. "WHAT DO WE DO BR-" he started.

"How long are you gonna keep running" Kamina asked coldly.

"Huh" Simon responded.

"You can't keep running. You're gonna need to fight back eventually" he continued.

"Yeah like now" Yoko said pulling her sniper back out, "Keep us steady" she said aiming down her sights using my head as a stand to rest her breasts

"Ya think you could be a little quick with your shots, you're not exactly light" I say annoyed

"Oh shut up. When we live it'll be because I bought us time" she retorts

She fired two shots, both connecting before Lagann began to hover and fly again.

"Nows the time to cast off the boy you used to be. It's now or never" Kamina said staring Simon right in the eye.

Yoko fired 5 more shots before Lagann began to fall back to the ground and eventually crashing.

As the gunmen stood above us ready to kill, a volley of gunfire appeared from behind us, causing one of the gunmen to explode and something to come out.

"Something came out of that gunmen" I questioned.

As the other gunmen ran off, several other people who were responsible for the volley of gunfire appeared from behind rocks.

"Nice shooting Dayakka" Yoko complimented.

"Who are these guys" I ask.

"These are the other people of Littner village that are helping fight against the beastmen" she explained.

"Beastmen" I questioned.

"The thing that came out of that gunmen was a beastman. They pilot the gunmen like Simon pilots Lagann. The beastmen use the gunmen to keep humans underground and kill anyone that goes to the surface. They show up everyday when the sun comes up and leave when it sets" Yoko explained

"Why do the beastmen wanna kill humans?"I ask.

"Don't know" Yoko responds.

"Doesn't matter why. We'll just kill all of those bastards, one by one" Kamina announced triumphantly.

"Yoko, come help salvage this beastmen" Dayakka yelled.

Dayakka was a bulky man who wore a wifebeater and blue pants with boots and a belt of tools.

"Coming. You guys should come help too"she responded running over to help.

We salvaged for about an hour or two which eventually led to nightfall.

"You did good today Simon" Kamina says walking over to Simon who was looking intently at the keyhole in Lagann.

"Yeah really saves my ass back there in Giha so thanks for that" I said giving him a thumbs up.

"What're you saying I can't do this" Simon sighs.

"Whenever our asses are in trouble, your always there to save it" Kamina says motioning to me and himself, "Thanks a lot."

Chained Love(Yoko Littner x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now