Eventful Beginnings

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Y/N, Simon, and Kamina all lives in the underground village of Giha, living quite uneventful and pretty bland lives until one event that would change they're lives forever

Simon POV
The day was slow and boring. Digging for hours on end, hoping for something to show up so I could trade them for pig mole steaks and eat for the day when suddenly...


I had hit something. I dug around a little more until I was able to fully dig out the object. It was seemingly a little drill, small enough to fit in the palm of my hand. I clenched it in my fist and dug back to the village. I popped out of the tunnels to hear the chief yelling at the other miners

"Why can't you dig like him" the chief shouted pointing at Simon.

I decided to hide the drill. I wanted to show it to Kamina and Y/N first, see what they had to say.

I walked around the village until I bumped into Kamina.

"What's up little bro" he said lifting his pair of badass red, spiked shades over his eyes.

"Nothing just found something cool while I was digging" I answer back.

"Whatya find" Y/N asked. Y/N was a 5ft 8in tall, 16 year old teen with medium length, jet black hair spiked up who commonly wore a black tank top with grey sweat pants and often wore a red headband that held his hair up. He was a lively young man who was very emotional but made logical decisions when it mattered, usually when it came to getting him and Kamina outta trouble.

"I found this little drill thing while I was digging, I don't know what it is tho" I responded while looking at the drill in my hand.

Kamina then snatched it outta my hand and made a necklace out of it before throwing it over neck. "Well now it's your drill, the drill that will pierce the heavens and get us to the surface" he announced triumphantly.

"Speaking of surface bro, the others are ready" Y/N interrupted.

"Oh right. Come on Simon we have been working on our next plan to get outta this shithole" Kamina said as we walked towards the pig mole pen.

"I don't know about this bro" I said hesitantly.

"Eh don't worry about it. It'll go great" Y/N reassures.

In a matter of 10 minutes the three of us were leading 3 separate stampedes of Pig Moles up toward the ceiling of the village along with 3 other teens. When we all collided it made one, ascending tower of raging pig moles rushing the ceiling. Everything looked good, like we were actually gonna make it.

The chief furiously yells at us before knocking down our tower of pig moles. We are so fucked.

After the chief knocked us down he put the six of us in shackles.

"Now if any of you wanna apologize for your little stunt earlier, I'll let you go" the chief said.

The 3 other teens instantly apologized and were released.

"Sorry bro but being locked up with no food sucks" one of the teens said apologetically to Kamina.

"Don't call me bro. I would never be a bro to the likes of you traitors" Kamina said angrily getting in their faces.

"You can go Simon. I know Kamina ropes you into these things against your will" the chief said unlocking Simons shackles.

"Kamina I-" Simon began.

"It's fine little bro just go" Kamina responded.

"As for you two" the chief says raising his voice as he turns to me and Kamina, "maybe three days in prison without food will be enough to discipline you."

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