Simon The Digger

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Guame POV

"So, I heard Adiane blew it" I grunt

"She went over our heads and boasted in front of the Spiral King" Cytomander says, "She will not come crawling back now"

"That being said, would you do me the honor of letting me strike next sir" I ask Lord Genome

"Guame, you too" Lord Genome says

"What concerns me is that miniature gunmen. You see it's been widely reported that I can combine with other gunmen and when it combines to form Gurren Lagann, it exhibits power it should not possess" I explain

"You know what it is don't you. Those humans have managed t uncover something, they shouldn't have. That is all it amounts too" Lord Genome says

"Whatever it is, it can't be brushed off so lightly" I say, "Tell me sire"

"Guame, you dare tell me what to do" he asks

We all stay silent before he complies with my request

Following our discussion with Lord Genome, me and Cytomander had a little talk

"There are few in this world who can make the Spiral King do anything. In that one regard, you are truly superior" Cytomander says

"It is because that miniature gunmen may very well be an incredible find. And besides he and I go back a long time" I say

"You're going against a bunch of battle hardened barbarians. There's no tell what they'll come up with" Cytomander notes

"Needless to say, I have a plan" I say

"You're just a shrewd as ever" Cytomander says


It had been about a week since our encounter with Adiane and I was starting to hang out a little more with the guys. The same couldn't be said for Simon. On this particular day Yoko wanted to hang out in my room and have me tell her another story

"Y/N!" I hear Yoko shout as she knocked on my door with my dinner tray

"Come in its open" I say as she walks in and places the tray on a desk next my bed.

"So this is where you marinate all day" she says looking around until she sees me fidgeting with something

"Yup. It's a little man den" I respond

"Whatya workin on" she asks

"It's a self destruct button and device that I want to install in Rikettsu" I explain

"What for" she asks

"Just in case" I say

"Ok then. Anyway take a break, eat your dinner and tell me another story" Yoko says

"I guess I can take a break" I say eating my dinner

"Alright story time" Yoko says as she gets under the covers of my bed as I eat at my desk

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