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Simon POV

"Oh right. You aren't Supreme Commander anymore, are you?" Viral sneers, "Now you're just Simon the war criminal. We still get news from the outside world in here. It's interesting isn't it. The beastmen rebel and the hero of the human liberation imprisoned as equals thanks to those trials of yours. Human wisdom sure has its moments"

"Only two more weeks" I say as I stare at the moon

"Yknow your friend came in a couple hours ago, wonder where he is" Viral adds

"Y/N?" I ask

"Yeah. Him" Viral says

"Where" I ask

"Don't know, don't care" Viral says, "For all I know he's getting his ass beat by the other inmates. Team Dai Gurren isn't exactly popular around here"

"I gotta find him" I say

Rossiu POV

Since Simon was locked away, riots were down and the evacuation process was going smoothly but I had still held regular meetings to make sure nothing went away, much like today

"Evacuation percentage of all Gekorn region areas, 68%. Sakunga region, 32%. Behama region, 44%. And in the next 6 days, 18 hours, evacuation will be 98% complete" Kinon says

"Evacuation of Kamina City residents aboard the Arc-Gurren is at 58%. It's going well" Gimble says

"Leeron, what's the moons status" I ask

"Falling slowly. Current calculations show it will make atmospheric entry in 10 days, 6 hours, and 23 minutes" Leeron responds

"The moon will also begin to affect the surface as it gets closer. Let's get everyone into their shelters as soon as possible" I command

"Yes sir" Gimble responds

"You wear the mantle of leader rather well Supreme Commander Rossiu" Leeron says

"That doesn't matter. I'm doing what must be done, nothing more" I respond

"Sound like the boy has grown into quite a man" Leeron flirts, "Would care to join me on a date, there's something I want to tell you in person"

Simon POV

Viral was right. I wasn't very popular in prison. I always had to watch my back whenever I did anything. I already caught someone staring at me with a shank during lunch. On this day, one of the inmates was an ex private of General Cytomander and wasn't exactly happy with me killing his boss

"I will avenge General Cytomanders death!" The beastmen shouts as he swipes at me

"Cytomander? One of the Spiral Kings Four Generals?" I ask

"If you hadn't killed him, I'd still be flying in the sky right now!" He shouts again, "Look at what they've done to me. They locked me up in here and then they cut off my wings and now I'm pathetic. I'm a disgrace. And it's all because of you Simon"

He continues to swipe at me as I dodge each one until he swipes my legs and knocks me on my ass. As he prepares to swipe at, Viral kicks him across the room

"The weaker the bird the shriller the squawking" Viral snarls, "Why don't you shut your beak for a while"

"You bastard are you siding with Simon? And you call yourself a beastmen" the beastmen says

"Because I'm a beastman, the sight of a weak, pathetic beastman makes me sick!" Viral shouts ah he kicks him through the next wall over

"How the mighty naked ape has fallen" Viral says as he looks at me, "You've lost Gurren Lagann, the woman you love, and all your friends. Now that you've gone back to being just another naked ape, you can't even manage to protect yourself. Even when he was barehanded, Kamina held his own against me"

Chained Love(Yoko Littner x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now