Welcome to Alfea

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Anastasia's POV

Walking in through the front gates gives me a shudder- true there isn't hundreds of students staring at me as they probably would do on the first day of term but still. The sun hanging high in the sky pushes my hand to cover it, the only people I can see are a group of girls sitting on a nearby bench chatting, laughing. Probably at me and my mess of black hair.

Bloom's POV

"Hey guys," I start squinting when I see a girl walk through the gates, she drags a dark green suit case behind her in step, "who's that?" I ask, my head turning a little to the side, trying to get a better look.

"Huh, I didn't know we were getting any new student? Mrs Dowling didn't have this in her planner," Aisha points out looking between the me and the girls.

"I guess we wait and see," Stella shrugs with her eyebrows and pulls a smirk before biting into her apple, we all burst out into laughter over her action and Musa elbows her gently. I guess we'll find out.

Anastasia's POV

I could easily get lost in this school until I am met with a familiar pair of eyes. Well a pair of eyes I have only seen a few times before; Farah Dowling. She smiles and gestures for me to follow her, some students are sitting around reading, doing work but still their eyes still manage to find me.

When we arrive in her office she magics the door closed and sits down into her seat with a smile, "I'm so happy to finally have you here, right where you belong," she exaggerates her point and tries to shove as much information down me as she possibly can, I only nod- knowing this will all be gone from my brain in 10 minutes.

After what seems like hours of speeches that I missed since I'm joining half way through first term she stands up and begins to walk to the door, her heels making a clicking noise perfectly in tune.

"You'll be staying in the Winx suit with other first years and Stella our second year mentor- I'm sure they're going to love you," she squeezes my shoulders in reassurance, "Your lessons will start tomorrow but you shouldn't be that behind with all the lessons I've been giving you and ow-" she tries to continue but thankfully we arrive at the suit at the same time as who I assume are going to be my roommates. The girls from outside. Great first impression.

"Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Terra," the girl starts but then the rest of them turn to the headmistress, "What's going on?" another asks, and Farah shakes her head for the lack of manners.

"Manners Stella," she warns, "This is your new roommate Anastasia," she pushes me forward to greet the group and before she starts talking again her phone goes off, 'Saul Silva' the contact reads, and before we realize she's off.

I feel the dread building up so I turn to the other girls, their faces greet me with unsure gazes which they try to hide, but I can read right through them.

Just to end this torture I blurt out, "I'm going to go to my space," I explain awkwardly getting past them and letting out a relieved sigh looking to where I'll be staying. Great a little room at the end of a corridor all to myself. Alone. But that's no change.

I sit down around the corner from the sitting area after dropping off my bags, my head is pressed back up against the cold wall, but I gather their names pretty quickly as they try to whisper to each other.

"Guys! That was not ok of us," Terra pushes across, "She's probably just shy or scared, I mean she must be struggling with the transition coming in half way through the first term!" she explains, and couldn't be more right. I didn't know what to expect and I'm just lost, in myself, my thoughts and everything in my life really.

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