I'm no lightweight

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Lights, loud music and lots of alcohol, which I have no doubt in my mind that Riven supplied.

"Let's get wasted!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Bloom grabs my hand and drags me to the drinks table, and we start singing at the top of our lungs to each other when entering the dance floor. I let the music guide me as I look around, I easily spot Riven and Sky talking next to the beer pong table, Terra is throwing hopeful looks towards who I assume is Dane, the guy who she will not stop talking about.

I'm about to take another gulp before I notice Musa sneak of with someone, I need to ask her about that later or tomorrow because only god knows how I'll end up coming out of this party tonight. I point to the runaway couple and Bloom quickly identifies them.

"That's Terra's brother," I open my mouth wide in shock, but it then melts into a smile, "She doesn't know yet," she adds pulling a face and I just laugh. Letting myself be free and enjoy the music.

After a couple of songs me and Bloom separate, I say I'm going to get another drink, and as I do just that Riven finds his way over, I look at him unamused.

"Ok we don't need another Stella," He comments, "walking around like she's above everyone, and partying like a princess," he adds, digging deeper into the wound. Yes- me and Stella are getting better each and every moment but I do not want to be compared to her.

"You don't think I can party full out?" I ask in an exaggerated shocked manner, he rolls his eyes, "that's exactly what I'm saying," he challenges, I close my eyes dreading what I'm about to do, but I hate being proven wrong.

"Where we starting? Beer pong?" I ask full fun mode on; I am sure I am going to regret this later. I repeat that in my head but I can't seem to change my mind.

Riven stands up from his slouched position, "I like that much better," he says full of energy, when we approach the table, Sky is there pouring the beer.

"Who else is on my team?" My voice makes Sky turn around, he almost looks shocked that I'm here, "Whoever you want," Riven comments and turns around to talk to another specialist.

Sky approaches me as I look around, Musa is off with Terra's brother, Terra would not do this if she was being threatened with death, Bloom- well I don't need her to see me around her boyfriend more than she already does, and Stella just has a big NO written in red all over it.

"You sure you want to do this? I don't let anyone win," he comments standing against the table next to me, I turn to him and search for what he's thinking, but I can't quite figure it out.

"I. For one, just think that you're scared to lose," I say in the mocking tone, my face kept as unmoved as possible, he moves his hand to his heart in fake pain.

"Aisha!" I shout as I see her walking in the crowd, the perfect partner. She looks around a bit confused before spotting me, I call her over and as soon as she sees the prepared table her semi-happy face falls, but my excited face convinces her to play.

The match begins and me and Aisha are losing, but it's all good, we have our secret weapons- magic. While the guys are strategizing  I whisper the plan to Aisha and she laughs nodding. Whenever they would throwing into our cups Aisha would make the liquid push it back up, as secretly as possible. When she aims one for a cup near sky I use me powers to heat it up and he drinks a sip, almost spitting it out before looking towards me and Aisha.

"Hot beer? Really?! I am going to kill you!" he announces and chases me around the table three times with the half full cup.

"Suck it up sunshine," Aisha says sassily, "Them are the rules" I say, laughing at his annoyed demeanor.  The games a close one, with us left with two cups. Of course they know we cheated but it's all in good fun.

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