What an earth were you thinking?

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Sky's POV:

"Why was Anastasia talking to you Beatrix?" I ask her, not in the least polite, she seemed so distracted when she left, I swear I wasn't ignoring her on purpose, I was pretty much avoiding everyone, I've taken the Silva thing on pretty badly, still am.

"Calm down Prince charming," she pronounces each word slowly with her speech on purpose, I ignore the comment, I'm about to speak again when she bites an apple really loud, "We're friends, got a problem?" her blinking like a hurt little child.

I begin to walk away, she's not being helpful, when she huffs, "Fine, your little side thing is planning on going to the forest to kill the dark one. Tonight," the last word comes out a little slower, a little darker, I want to accuse her of lying but somewhere deep down I know she's telling the truth. 

What is that girl planning. 

Anastasia's POV:

I go to check up on all my girls one on one, before I go to complete my plan, which I know is a bad idea, and somehow selfish, but I cannot bear the voices, and if I can save Silva then maybe the guilt that I didn't find and kill the dark one the night we found Silva will go away. 

Stella is already asleep, Bloom and Aisha are quizzing each other on what we have learned in class over the past few weeks. I'm in shock when I enter Musa's and Terra's room, they're both listening to different music, in different headphone but dancing around together and this just helps visualize the fun sides of these girls. I think I'll get out without them suspecting anything until,

"Why are you feeling nervous and guilty?" Musa asks me taking her headphones off slowly, I pull a face as if I've been caught lying to a parents, "Don't lie to us, you can trust us," Terra says also taking hers off. I explain what I'm about to do, they look at me like I'm crazy but I explain the voices and their looks are more sympathetic now.

"So you're basically walking out into certain death?" they ask and I consider in my head, what they're saying is true and I hate it, "You're not fully in control of you powers," Terra fights but I defeat her quickly with the argument that I feel more and more tortured with the voices picking away at me, I may be over exaggerating a little, but they listen. I only hear them when I'm outside and they die away the further I am from the forest.

"If I'm not back by morning, you can get Dowling ok? And don't tell any of the other girls about this," I say and they reluctantly agree. Sometimes I love having an empath as a roommate but sometimes I hate it, mostly when it has to do with exposing me.

I walk into the night in black leggings and a dark sweatshirt, my hair braided back, when I get past the barrier I look back at the school all the lights are are mostly off, except a few nightlights. When I pass the forest line I turn my wrist and fire starts to burn on my palm then I hear a noise behind me, I turn quickly and smoothly, ready to fire if needed.


"What are you doing here?" my voice harsh, he scoffs and steps closer, "What an earth were you thinking?" he asks me, "You don't get to ask me why I'm here," he adds, more softly than before, maybe a little sad.

"You think I want to be here? Possibly walking to my death?" I ask him, I've been here a few days but my life life has been flipped upside down. And why the hell is that thing still calling my name.

"Anastasia" it continues to ring and ring, "I'm not going back, "I warn him, "If I don't come back alive by morning Terra and Musa will send out Miss Dowling," I inform him. He swallows but doesn't keep his eyes off of me. 

"I'm going with you," he argues, "I want to get to that thing that got Silva," I only nod, it wouldn't be fair if I tried to stop him.  He's already wearing his armor, so either he was going to do the same thing himself, or someone told him. It also decreases the risk of us getting caught if we had to go back and get it, I list all those reasons but they don't seem like enough to risk his life for. The walk begins in silence, only the sound of my fire crackling, our accidental stepping on twigs and a few birds.

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