Welcome our host and hostess

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The next days pass in a flash, everyone couldn't be anymore excited, Friday has arrived and no one can settle or focus in class, everyone is buzzing about the dinner tonight, talking about what they're going to do with their hair, what they're going to wear and who they're going to dance with, this was really going to be a magical fairy ball like the ones we wish for as kids. Before being off for the day I head to train for a while, before returning to see the room is an absolute war zone, clothes, makeup and hair supplies are everywhere, I guess it's fine, this was last day of term, we'll have a whole two weeks to clean this up. 

All the roommates are so excited even Aisha, I rush to get in the shower before joining in with the getting ready, music plays quite loudly through the suit, I guess everyone is being so positive and excited that Musa decided to let us into her world for a while, before drying my hair I help her with her makeup, "I'm going to tell Terra about me and Sam tonight," she tells me, a brave smile on her face, I don't have words to describe how happy I am for her so I just hug her really tight, "I am beyond ecstatic for you," I whisper.

She relaxes into my arms, before looking into her mirror, "I look beautiful, what would I do without you?" she asks and my heart melts, "You would still be this beautiful, you're a stunning girl Musa," I tell her, walking over to the hairdryer. Once my hair was nice and dry Stella calls me into her room , Musa's on the bed looking through memes, I turn my focus to Stella.

"You would look amazing in this lipstick!" She says walking over to me, a deep burgundy, I look at her with the 'I couldn't look', "Pleaseee for me?" she asks knowing I wouldn't refuse, "Plus it would look amazing with your dress," she says and close my eyes a little, "How do you know what I'm wearing?" I ask her suspiciously. She explained that she may or may have not gone to my room with Musa while I was in training to see what I was wearing, I let out a sigh and go get changed. 

After putting on my deep green dress, I look into the mirror and brush through my hair settling for the idea that I wanted an intricate low bun, so Stella zooms into my room to do my hair, in exchange I finish hers and soon enough all six of us are stunning and ready to go.

We walk into the lit courtyard, with it being dark as night outside all the fairy lights are on, everything looks beautiful, when they announced a Christmas dinner this is not what I expected, there's even a designated dance floor area, it looks like a fairytale, I mean I am fairy, so maybe this is my fairy tale?

"You girls look stunning!" Dowling expresses, and grabs my face gently not ruin my makeup, she looks like a proud mother, and offers to take a picture of us, in front of one of the arches me and Sky decorated, I can tell it's a popular photo area. I stand on the left center, on my right, Stella and Musa on my left with Terra next to her, on the other side of Stella it's Aisha and Bloom.

"Professor Dowling, you looking so beautiful tonight, you should get into one of the photos!" I exclaim, she's the closest thing to my mother here and I always takes pictures with my adopted mum and sisters, after a lot of convincing she gives in and Sky took our photo.

All the girls start to go find their seats, I'm about to follow them when I see Beatrix coming my way excited, she wears a dark off the shoulder grey dress, and Riven trails behind her,

"We need to get a photo!" she exclaims and Sky takes it with no argument, the first few are presentable then we take a few silly ones, and soon enough Riven joins in and tells sky to get in as well, Silva walks past at the perfect time offering to take a photo, it's me and Beatrix in the middle and the boys on either side.

The moment I sit down in my seat between Musa and Stella, Miss Dowling and the rest of the teachers stand up to give a speech,

"Good evening students, I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas and I want you to have as much fun as possible tonight, it'll be about another hour and a half before food, so feel free to dance, talk, take pictures, enjoy," she tells us all, I catch her smile my way when I laugh about something Terra says, even Stella laughs.

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