Spread your wings

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Anastasia's POV:

By evening time Dowling has called a 'code red' assembly. When we arrive at the courtyard my eyes search for Sky, the minute I spot him he begins to walk over, "You guys have any idea what's going on? All of the teachers are refusing to tell anyone anything," he says when he steps next to me.

I shake my head, no one seems to know what's going on, I'm a little shocked when Riven approaches, we haven't spoken since I found out about my past, I look to Sky, he knows what I'm asking, he shakes his head and I take a deep breath, he didn't tell Riven anything.

"Have any of you seen Beatrix?" he asks, I'm not sure whether I should be offended or relieved, he's not very suspecting of the last few days, he's probably spent his time getting high, but at the same time it hurts that he's not coming over to stand with us, he's just looking for Beatrix instead, I smile through it though,

"She might be off trapping someone in the east wing," Stella bites, death staring him, I was thinking about asking him whether he knew what Beatrix maybe did to me, but I wasn't going to ask, not here, not right now.

He scowls and sneers at her, he has no idea what she's talking about, should I be relieved? Right now, I'm less than relieved, she's not here now, only god knows what she's doing.

Musa seems to be wondering the same thing, Riven goes to say something when Dowling asks everyone to quieten down, we all turn to face her, I stand between Musa and Sky, Riven moves to push his back against one of the arches, typical of him.

I see Musa using her power, "she's nervous," she whispers to me, I give her a reassuring smile, "I am dreading to inform you all that our barrier has come down," she begins, I look around shocked, students are gasping, how can our barrier just come down, all out of nowhere? "There are dark ones within the school perimeter, we have a rota and many powerful fairies making a smaller barrier around the courtyard, no one is to leave this area," Dowling informs, her face stern.

The girls and I look between each other, our plan just crashed, some changes are going to have to be made, this is the perfect time to do it, "I know not everyone is here, we are sending a group of specialists to go into the rest of the school so if you know someone is not here, please come over write their name and room, so that we can find them quickly and efficiently," Dowling pleads and a light bulb glammers on above my head.

It doesn't surprise me there's students who just didn't show up, thinking it going to be another boring assembly but I bet they wish they were here now, I'm just hoping everyone is alright.

"Sky," Dowling calls over after she steps off of the mini-stage, I look to him frantically, no, she isn't sending him into the school, he assures me silently. When he's walked away, I turn to the girls, Stella is already shaking her head, "No," she says, and I try to remain calm.

"It's perfect, with the specialists leaving to get students it'll be a perfect distraction, you said it yourself I can manifest great power," I pry, she still looks unsure, she knows that I'm not so great at control for some reason, but I can understand why she thinks I may not be able to summon enough power,

Musa is searching the room frantically when I finish speaking, "Where's Sam?" she questions, I furrow my brows and look around, he's nowhere to be seen,

"I don't see him," I inform them, Terra looks to Musa, they rush off to the front to write his name down for the speciates, I'm so glad that Terra was so accepting of her brother's relationship with Musa, they are literally perfect for each other, but my brain wonders to why he's not here, their dad brought them up a different way, maybe a dark one already got to him, for if that did happen I could never forgive myself and I'm sure Musa and Terra would also never forgive me either, and I wouldn't blame them. I hate when dark scenarios like this appear in my head, I just need to stop thinking about that, for all I know he's sleeping through this whole thing by accident.

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