You're not helping him this way

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Sky presses his head against the greenhouse and kicks the floor as if the world isn't fair. He's right the world isn't fair.

"Sky," I say but he just rushed his hands through his hair, "Sky," I say again but when he doesn't turn around and only lets out an exhausted sigh I grab his face between my hands. He look between my eyes, "You're not helping him this way," I whisper, trying to block tears out of my eyes.

His head just falls down and he grabs me into a tight hug, his head on my shoulders, his hands wrapping around me as tight as she can. He cries in the crook of my neck. I quickly hug him back, my eyes close shut and I run my fingers over the end of his hair and his neck, he seems to slowly clam down I look out at the forest in front of me, whatever got Silva got could have gotten me when I was in the forest yesterday.

We stand like that for what seems like hours, well more like an hour, Dowling comes out of greenhouse and says that Silva needs rest right now. By the tone of her voice I can tell we're not getting off the hook.

She leads us back to the rest of my roommates, I take a seat on the stairs between Musa and Terra. She meets each of our eyes slowly, I swear she's trying to kill us with her stare, and makes sure everyone gets the same amount of poison. I lay my head on Musa's shoulder and she lays her hand over mine.

"I am very, very disappointed in you," she begins and shakes her head, "my brightest students- got drunk at a party, which is currently the least of our issue right now, then went to the forest outside the barrier, by themselves," she rubs her forehead, and I look down, everything is just going the opposite of how it should be.

"We will talk about the consequences tomorrow," she adds strictly and heads back in the direction of the greenhouse, "Do you think she's like detention mad?" Aisha starts, "Or like kicking us out mad?" Bloom finished and turns her head to Musa, we all do. Something in me felt like she was going to say-

"This first one," she says with a sad smile, "I felt a bit of pride and thankfulness, for finding Silva I assume," she adds. Silence settles like fog. 

"We should go back to the suit," I suggest getting up, getting a mix of replies, "yep,", "let's go," and "You're right," all of us rush up the stairs except Bloom and Sky, though I can see Sky's eyes begging not to be left with her right now. I shine him a comforting smile before rushing after the girls.

When we arrive at the suit we all sit down on the sofas, Stella and Aisha make everyone hot drinks, I sit next to Musa on the end under a blanket, we're still in silence and shock. When the other two girls sit down I explain how we found Silva and the other soldiers.

Bloom's POV:

I look at him in front of me, so vunerable, the tears streaming down his face, I wipe them clean with my cardigan. He looks right past me, lost in his own thoughts, I just pull him close.

"Why did you go into the forest?" he asks, his voice absolutely broken, I shift a little to look up at him, my chin on his chest, "I don't know sky, I'm drunk, it was dumb and I'm sorry," I reply, laying my head on his chest and looking towards the forest now too.

He takes a deep breath, "So it wasn't because of Anastasia?" he asks, voice full of guilt, "No, why would it be because of her?" I answer, I left the party after she went to get another drink, they might have spent the evening together,

"I love you," he shocks me by saying, I pull away and grab his face between my semi-cold hands, he tries to pull away at first but then settles down on my palm, "I love you too Sky," I say, he leans down to lay a kiss on my lips, "Will you be my girlfriend, officially?" his voice quiet, his forehead on mine. We stay this way for a while after I nod 'yes'. We walk to his room and he asks me to stay, and how could I refuse his broken eyes.

Anastasia's POV:

We just sit in silence for a while, "I love you guys," Stella says, I look between these girls, Aisha and Stella sitting next to each other talking about something, Terra's smiling to cheer us up a little, Musa running her fingers through my hair. I may have only met these girls but they're already worth more than the world to me. Something new started today, this bond was born and I don't think anyone will be able to get in the middle of it.

"I love you guys too!" I say and a tear drops down my face, "I don't think we'll be getting Bloom back for whatever rest of the night that we have," Musa says and we all laugh a little. She's with Sky. He needs her. She'll take care of him.

"She's probably with Sky, bless, how was he when you guys dropped Silva off Ana?" Stella asks and I feel all the eyes on me.

"Well," I don't know how to begin, "he was being a little frantic which was understandable, so Dowling made us wait outside the greenhouse and he was just crying and wouldn't say anything else," I tried to push the terror he had in his eyes out of my head, but retelling the memory makes it feel like a fresh wound with salt.

"Sounds about right, Silva is his closest family, his father figure, he was best friends with Sky's dad," she explains and we all nod. I know she's only explaining this for my benefit but the other girls don't mind.

"What do you guys think attacked them?" Terra asks.

"I don't know but it must have been powerful if it took down the whole army, we'll need to ask Dowling tomorrow while she thinks of our punishment," I say.

The next morning, after sitting on the sofa, sleepless till morning, we meet Bloom at the cafeteria for breakfast and make our way to Farah's office, dread fills my stomach, and probably all the other girl's too.

When our headmistress opens the door, she ushers us in, her eyes red, this must have been a rough night for her too. No one knows what to say.

"Is professor Silva going to be ok?" I ask nervous, the other girls all look towards me, if they weren't going to say anything I might as well, "What attacked them?" Terra asks, and so all the questions start flooding in.

"Well, we thought we had it all under control," she starts looking around the room, anything is better then looking in our eyes, 

"Had what under control?" Bloom pushes and Farah finally turns to us fully.

"A farmer was killed by a dark one a few days ago, we knew we had to capture it as soon as possible so professor Silva took off with our soldiers to capture the creature," she states

"What's the dark one?" I dare to cut through the tension, I guess I was the only one who wasn't yet aware of what a 'dark one' was.

"It's a creature, almost as tall as some trees, it attacks you and you get infected, you will not live unless the creature is killed, they are next to impossible to kill, there was few here 16 years ago but they stopped coming, still that was nothing compared to how many there were 36 years ago, everyone thought we were doomed, all I have left is to hope that, there was only one," she explains, her facial expressions present that she's reliving some traumatic experience.

"So are you sending out more troops to kill the one that got professor Silva?" Musa asks and Dowling says that more soldiers were sent last night, someone called 'Marco' was sent with them, he was one of the most powerful specialists of the last decade from what Stella whispers to me.

All the girls filter out, Farah asks me to stay behind, "I'm sorry you had to see this, I thought they were gone, I promised you this place would be safe," she run one hand over her forehead and the other kept jer balance, palm agaisnt the table. I just go up to her and hug her, screw the formalities, she's the closest family I have here, she knew my parents or at least of them.

She tries to destress me and asks me whether I've told anyone about my secret, and I promise that I haven't done anything to do with it. Which seems to make her more relieved than it should.

Shorter chapter so I'll be posting another later :) Post a- 🧐   in the comments. Words- 1546

P.s thank you for 660+ reads :)

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