I'm sure it'll be fine

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I try to free myself from his grip, he turns around, fear in his eyes, then it really hits me:

There's a group of attackers in the school.

"Lets go! Come on," he keeps pulling me ahead, and it's like a having an awakening, everyone else left in the courtyard, all my friends.

"What do you mean!? What about all our friends, what about Bloom?" I ask desperately trying to get out of his grip,

He turns around and grips my head between his hands, like I did the night we found Silva, "Ana, I'm being trained to be a solider and this was a direct order, don't make this harder!" he exclaims and I cave in, an order? That's why he was looking at his phone, but why was the order to take me and hide? If not Bloom then why not Stella? You know the heir to the Solaria throne?

I hear people getting into rooms, and lots of different locks closing , "Where are we going?" I ask him, jogging through the school, I'm not as fast as him in heels so he kind of has to drag me behind him,

"Dowling's office, Silva says there's a key to double lock ourselves in, in her top draw," he exclaims and I rip my shoes off, leaving them behind, I need to be able to used me powers if that needs be, and heels would only get in the way. They were killing my feet anyway.

You'd think people would be screaming and shouting in terror, but it's silent, too silent. Even when we're almost the whole way across the school Sky doesn't slow down. When we get to Dowling's office, he frantically searches her top draw, finds the key and rushes to lock the first door, then the main one to the office, I try the light switch with fail, someone's turned off the power,

Thankfully Dowling has candles around her office, I light a few with my fire as Sky closes the blinds. I remember back to his face and eyes when we first started running, only a few moments ago. The fear; I felt it too, it was a different kind of fear to the time Silva was in danger and this one I can't place, is this how empaths feel?

We sit down on the dark sofa, we're both silent, "Do you think all our friends are ok?" I ask in a whisper, not looking at him.

He turns to sit facing me, "I- I don't know," he begins, " Nothing like this has ever happened, we've had no drill for this," he explains,

"Host and hostess huh?" I ask almost ironically, and I laugh at how we got into this situation,

"What?" he asks, a grin on his face, "I'm just thinking about all that has happened in the last few weeks, more has happened than ever in my entire life," I continue laughing, a coping mechanism of sorts.

"I admire that," he says flashing me a smile, "What?" I ask lifting one eyebrow,

"That even though we're kind of in a shitty situation, that you can still see the goods and continue putting light on it, like now you're laughing but you've been through hell since you've been here," he explains, I know I'm blushing so I'm thankful for the darkness.

"Do you know what I admire about you?" I say, he shakes his head and I move to face him fully, "That you're always so brave, and no matter what is thrown in your way you try to do the best thing for everyone, and I'm not saying you don't get scared or don't have your doubts, but you never stop fighting," he looks into my eyes, I look away from a moment, the eyes scan to the clock, 11pm, we've been in here for an hour, then my eyes meet his again.

His hair looks perfectly messed up and the candle light reflects on his face to show his jawline, his eyes flutter to my lip as mine to his, and even that action is so wrong, it's just in the moment right? We're not going any further.

Darker Love ❤️🖤// Fate:TheWinxSaga (sky love story)Where stories live. Discover now