I love you guys

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Stella's POV:

When we leave Ana's room it about ten o'clock, she smiled as we were leaving, the poor girl, I know Dowling wants to keep her safe but I don't think locking her up in a room with specialists acting practically like guards outside is any good for the girl,

As we apparoach the meeting room where Dowling asked us to meet her after we settle Ana in, I hear voices, it's a conversation between Sky and Dowling so I turn to the girls and bring my finger to my lips, they quickly understand and listen into what they're saying.

"He was lying, I could tell, please tell me what he's hiding," Sky says and Dowling doesn't answer for a while, "You really want to keep keeping secrets? See how that got us here?" he asks frantically, he's doesn't sound self rightous or rude, his voice is kneadled with desperation.

I hear the woman taking a deep breath, "Your father wasn't going to protect Sapphire. Me, Saul and him were all close friends as you know, but when he found out about Ana's mother we fell into a huge disagreement, he told the Queen and she made him head of the battilion, me and saul were the ones in the room with Sapphire and her husband Eric, we fought, we tried so hard, but they didn't want us dead, they couldn't afford to have us die, they pushed us to the sides, and right before your father could push his sword through Ana's mother," Dowling gets slower and her words seem heavy, "Saul put his sword through him, we didn't manage to protect Sapphire in the end, but it gave me enough time to get away with baby Anastasia, Saul hated himself since that day, he killed his best friend for a child who could kill us all when the time comes," she finishes, and I hear some shufflling so I round my head into the room slightly, I see Sky in her embrace, tears in his eyes. 

Mine and Sky's parents both had part in Ana's and Sapphire's pain, I don't blame them, they must have been so scared after being threatened with eternal darkness, and actually having to live through months of it with no crops growing and people only living off of what was shipped in. I would also be scared of history repeating itself but I just wish none of it happened, I wish it could have all been easier.

I move my head back quickly, "You girls can come in now," she announces unmoved, she knew the whole time, mind fairy, I forget sometimes. Sky is suprised for a moment but then realises that it's just us, his friends, we won't torment him for what his father did, or how he died, or whatever we all think about Silva now.

We all sit down, Dowling takes her time to meet each of our eyes, what have these last 24 hours done to us? Every single person in front of me looks about 10 years older, great burdens siting on our shoulders now.

"So what do we do next?" Bloom asks nervousily, for a second no one has an answer,

"Isn't it obvious? We need to get rid of the dark ones," I say, and Dowling nods, she's trying to piece everyhting together, she obvioudly didn't expect it all to go down like this. How did she expect it all to go down then?

Sky shuffles around to make himself more comfortable, "She fought all three of them in the forest today, as soon as she gained enough power there was no competiton between them, she could have taken out more if it came to that" Sky paints the image, he stares at one spot on the wall as if he's reliving the entire night,

He really did put a lot of trust in her tonight, he went out there with no protection, risking his life for hers, even though he couldn't of known she had so much power, I respect him for that.

"None of you are ready to fight them yet, she needs to learn to gather the needed power, to be able to kill so many, we need a few weeks to train, specialist and faires like we had yesturday," She explains but the wheels in her head are still turning, that doesn't feel like it was yesturday.

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