Over there!

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This situation is so familiar, all six of us girls sitting outside of Dowling's office, except this time Sky is also here, he's basically part of the suit now. After a few moments Farah finally lets us in, her, Silva and Harvey are all sitting in different spots around the room.

"Girls, and Sky, this is really none of your concern, the faculty handle this," she explains huffing, she's so exhausted, all of the things that have happened recently, this must hit hard, especially as these kids got killed during the celebration of light, where we celebrated being freed from eternal darkness and innocents people being killed by the dark ones, not a good way to start the day.

"With all due respect professor Dowling, but me and Anastasia found the bodies like an hour ago, and we want to know what's going on in our school," Stella says cautiously.

"Yes, everyone will want to know, the news spread fast, I mean 5 students aren't here people are going to question it, and parents have already been informed, I didn't want to do this but we're going to have to hold an assembly for this," she gulps and looks towards the other teachers.

"We should all train with the specialists incase they ever get into the school," I say, and Dowling looks at me like I have gone insane, 

"Fairies train in magic, not combat," she starts but I cut her off,

"Me and Sky killed one of those things, I couldn't of done it alone and neither could he, the balance between having a fairy and a specialist might give us an advantage," I explain as if it was basic knowledge,

Silva stands up, "I'm afraid she's right Farah, we need to prepare for the worst," he announces and she looks up at all of us, daggers in the eyes, "We have the barrier, they don't have a way in," she tries to prove her point, 

"Right until they find a way in," Bloom springs up, "and that's when it's too late," Sky beckons, and finally Dowling gives in.

"Ok, fine, yes, we will start with that later, this afternoon we'll have the first session, you must all go to your classes now, Ana, please stay a moment will you," Dowling sighs again and her fingers travel across her forehead, she's so drained, I wish I could help her,

Everyone else leaves, some give me reassuring smiles, I turn back to Farah, now that I know she knows my adopted parents as well she feels even more like family then she already did, I grab her into an embrace, she's hesitant at first but gives in, I feel her heart beat, it's fast.

"I need to know something, and you cannot lie to me," she says cautiously as I pull away, I gulp, and nod my head, the tone shifts in the room, the seriousness expands and the beams could fall under the tension.

"Have you been using your powers? The dark powers," she asks, her eyes dig into my soul, I bet she can feel my guilt from miles away, but I can feel her worry, I can't lie completely,

"I slipped a few times, when I got angry or really sad, it kind of happened I'm sorry," I bite my lip and search the dark floor, she sighs before speaking,

"It's ok, as long as no one else knows about it?" she states in a question tone, well all of the suit girls know, Sky knows, Riven knows meaning Beatrix also probably knows, I do consider her quite a close friend so maybe that's ok, but Dowling will not agree.

"No, no one else knows professor," I assure her with a tight smile, and she looks relieved.

"Call me Farah child, well not in front of the other students," she starts rambling, "you know what I mean," she says, and messes up my hair a little, who knew a woman of all organization and perfection has it in her to mess with my hair.

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