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*ring ring*

"Moshi Moshi?"

"Hello sir this is McDonal-"

"Not today satan."

Izuku dropped the call. For the past week he had been getting prank calls, he didn't know how so many people got his number but he was guessing it was the doing of his friends.

Izuku's train of thoughts halted when his phone rang again, it was the same number. Sighing deeply, Izuku pressed the accept button.


"IZUKU THE GODDAMN ENTRANCE EXAM IS ABOUT TO START" Shota's voice boomed from the phone.

"Oh it was you dad... Oh shoot I didn't save your number" Izuku cursed out as he stood up from his bed.

"Don't save my number, its good for prank calls... But hurry up problem child, only ten more minutes before the gates close." Shota stated as he snickers quietly.

Izuku rolled his eyes, "Sure sure, be there in a minute, love you"

"I hate you to-" The call was then cut off by Izuku.

Sighing once again, Izuku changed his clothes and ran out of the house.

Five months had already passed by since the day the rumoured group of villains have been proven true, and Izuku hadn't been so stressed in his life.

Between the short months, Izuku and his friends had raided more than ten of their bases. Whereas Izuku as the one who plans their moves and the training plan, the others were also separated for making their raids successful.

And the fact that his friends gave his number to countless of strangers and the amount of prank calls he got, doesn't help with his stress one bit.

Even his father joined in on the whole prank calling.

"Oh shoo-" Izuku was now in front of the gates of UA and just suddenly tripped.

But then he was caught by a pair of hands, he looked up to see Sephelina holding him.

"Are you that sleep deprived to the point where you can't even walk properly?" She joked as Izuku slightly push her.

"Yeah and who do you think was the cause of this?"

"Villains. Definitely, villains."

"Fair point... I guess you guys are villains now"

Sephelina fake gasped as she places her hands on her chest. Izuku snickered before running off once again, but this time with the black haired girl following him.

Right as they entered the school, the bell rang.

"All of the students please go to your classes which are written on the top right corner of your application form, there you will answer the written part of the exam" Someone spoke through the speakers.

(This is what I imagined it to be, ion care if it wasn't in the canon version ヽ(`⌒´)ノ )

Some people went to their classrooms and some cursed under their breathe, they forgot where they placed their application forms. Izuku and Seph both went to the same class, meeting the other four there.

"Stella, Mo, Sho, Eijiro!" The two shout at the same time, catching the attention of both their friends and the participants.

"Oh hey! Goodmorning!"

They all greeted each other goodmorning before Present Mic entered the class. The people inside the class took their seats and Present Mic passed their tests.

A Villainous HeroWhere stories live. Discover now