°~•twenty one•~°

893 29 7

I'm back..?


A week has already finished, and now the entirety of the hero course—and as well as general course— students are now in their assigned rooms.

As the stadium outside fills with citizens and heroes, villains also watch from their own places. A group of villains can be seen watching from a small computer screen, its Tenko and some of his closest members.

After their small meet up a few days ago, Izuku advised Tenko to watch him during this event. The reason remains unknown, sadly.

Going back, backstage, where the students are in their own rooms, everyone in 1-A are pumped up. Not only are they excited for this event, they're also excited due to their recent improvements.

Courtesy to the teachers and a certain group of students.

"This will be war I guess..?" Stella stated out of nowhere.

Their group are sitting in the farther side of the room, they looked serious but—

"Pfft- just kidding, we'll work as a team as always!"

—They're just pretending to be serious, they themselves don't even know why they decided to do that.

"Hey brother," A voice interrupted the group that seemed to be in another world.

"Yes, Izumi?" Izuku asked, a smile on his lips as he stared at his sister, behind the female greenette was her two oh so loyal friends; Katsumi and Shoka.

Izumi formed a small smile before reaching her hand out to her older brother, "I'll be expecting to fight and defeat you today." She declared, her small smile turning into a smug one.

During the few days they've spent together training made their sibling bond stronger and much more firmer. Tho, this didn't made a dent to the quirkist attitude Izumi always had since she was born, sadly.

Well, Izuku was planning this for something else, so it isn't that unfortunate for him.

"I could say the same to you, Izumi." Izuku stated, holding the stretched hand.

This quiet and somewhat peaceful declaration caught the attention of the whole class inside the room. They expected a harsh one, from the way the two fought with their eyes during classes and their inevitable hatred that they themselves don't know the cause of. But this certain action made the class internally sigh in relief.

The siblings kept shaking their hands, their eyes interlocked with each other as they smirked smugly — as if they were trying to taunt each other. But it soon ended after they were cut off by a whistle.

"Y'all done with... This? Already?" It was Katsuki.

There the siblings noticed that almost half of the class was already gone, "Where is Midoriya Izuku? Please come up the stage and give off your speech!" Midnight's voice can be faintly heard from their room.

Izuku and Izumi froze for a second before looking at each other once again, panic evident in their faces.

The only people left in the room was Izumi and the whole friend group of the other greenette.

"Shit.." Izuku cursed out before letting go of his sister's hands and immediately pulled Katsuki—who was closest to him—towards their door.

The others hurriedly followed the two, stopping midway as they watched Izuku open his palms. There appeared a black, human sized, hole.

Without looking back at his friends, Izuku went inside the portal as the others silently followed him. Izumi was deliberately pulled in by Momo.

Soon, the quiet atmosphere suddenly turned into loud roars and shouts. The group opened their eyes to see the stadium of UA. Standing on the stage, every eye of the people around them landed on them.

Midnight looked at Izuku before letting out a sigh, she didn't look too fazed by the sudden appearance of her students, and cracked her whip, catching the attention of the crowd.

"Now that our first years are complete, let's hear the first placer of UA's Entrance Exams give his speech, Midoriya Izuku!" Nemuri shouted, causing the audience to roar once again.

Nemuri eyed her students, the sudden eye glance made the others nod in understanding and walked down the stage, leaving Izuku alone.

Izuku walked up to his teacher and took the extended mic, sending a small smile before going up the podium.

Multiple eyes watched the greenette intently. Heroes looking out for the new students they're hoping to recruit, civilians watching and overlooking their new batch of heroes in the future and even villains watching to find out who their new enemies in the future will be.

And amidst all of the people watching them, Izuku could sense and feel that the certain bluenette he had informed to watch him, was actually watching him from afar.

Taking a deep breathe, Izuku cleared his throat, "I don't have anything long to say but looking in on our future heroes here today, I hope that every one of you all will give us a chance and opportunity to shine and brag about our weapons and strengths that we will hopefully be using to aid the people around us! Our quirks that you will be seeing today will and would be used for the greater good!

For me, Izuku Midoriya, I vow that even for villains that were wronged by the society and outcasts that were pushed away by our society will never be shunned ever again! Whether I win this competitive event or not, will not be a hindrance to the Hero Activities I am planning to fulfill in the near future!"

The audience went silent before they burst into shouts and claps. Content, Izuku gave another smile before walking down the stage.

'That wasn't the best but it was good enough.'

Chapter twenty one End


unlike last time, the updates for this story would be up to me and whether i am too lazy to write a chapter or not!

but it's good to write another chapter for this tho.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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