Ava's P.O.V. 

One of the kidnapper dudes literally hugged me. It felt weird because they're were like sparks, fireworks, whatever you want to call it. It was so weird. This can't be possible. I'm not falling for my kidnappers. After he finished hugging me I felt so awkward because everyone was staring and it felt just awkward. I stayed on the ground while the guy stared at the others. Then he stared back at me. He held out his smiling warmly but I was super nervous. I slowly, cautiously, took his hand in mine. He helped me up and they all smiled. After that they took me downstairs where I could see the front door perfectly and I wanted to go so bad but this boy still had his hand in mine. He followed my eyes to the door but held on tighter.  He had me sit down on the couch where the other boys were. They were on one while I sat on the opposite couch. I had of course multiple questions so I hope they could maybe answer them. When everyone is seated they stare at me and I shift uncomfortably. I don't really like staring so If I shut my eyes then it's easier to not see them staring. 

( Jonah ): What are you doing?

Me: It's easier to not see you staring. I'm not very comfortable with people staring at me. 

( Jonah ): Oh, sorry. 

Me: * eyes start to open * It's okay. 

( Zach ): So .......... * awkward silence *

Me: Can I ask questions. 

( Daniel ): We can try to answer them but sure. 

Me: Why am I here? 

( Jonah ): Can't answer that .... yet. 

Me: Why'd you kidnap me?

( Jack ): Can't answer that either ..... yet. 

Me: * sigh * What are your names?

( Corbyn ): * smiles * Um I'm Corbyn. * waves *

( Daniel ): I'm Daniel. * smiles toothy gap smile *

( Jonah ): I'm Jonah. * grins *

( Jack ): I'm Jack. * smirks *

( Zach ): And I'm Zach. * waves *

Me: Hi, * waves * so do you guys already know my name. 

( The boys ): * nods *

Me: Wow so what don't you know about me?

Jack: Your relationship status? * smirks *

Me: Um I'm single, but something tells me your going to be trouble Jack. 

( The boys without Jack ): * laughs and points to Jack *

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