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Still Ava's P.O.V. 

I was still messing with Corbyn's hair until  we got interrupted by the guy's. They were shocked to see us smiling and laughing together but they knew we made up. They all came in Corbyn's room to discuss something important I guess. So  we all went to my room just so could  all be more comfortable. 

Daniel's P.O.V. 

I go downstairs because I needed to talk to the boys and Ava assured me that she would be fine. Well after long thoughts of how we're going to stay here without anything happened to Ava came to we're moving. I know Christina is mad and Corbyn and if she's super mad she might risk putting us in danger like she did to me, Jonah, and Zach. Not including Ava. We have to protect her the most. I know this we'll stress her out more than she already is but we can't take the risk of what if. I walk upstairs with the other's and open Ava's door but she's not there. So we go to Corbyn's  door where we hear them laughing. I smile at Ava's cute smile but then frown because she's in his room with him. We open the door to see him hugging her from behind as she plays with his hair. Typical Ava. Playing with our hair. She does that with everyone so I shouldn't get jealous but it's so hard when I want to mark her so bad. Anyway, we all go into her room and try to explain our situation. We're not gonna leave her again. 

Corbyn's P.O.V. 

Everything was perfect until the guy's came in.  I got a little sad because I wanted to spend more time with her. But it must be very important for them all to come and have go to her room to discuss whatever it is. We go to her room and get comfortable before they start talking about not wanting to leave her again or seeing her get hurt. This sounds all good to me until... they say we should move. Are they nuts?! I'm not sure weather to ask if their feeling okay or just start to protest. Ava starts to before I can. 

( Start the conversation from we're moving.... )

Ava: No way. * starts laughing * 

Ava's P.O.V. 

Why aren't they laughing? 

Me: Why aren't you laughing?

Jonah: B/c we're serious.

Me: I don't  want to move. * shocked *

Daniel: * smiles softly * We know this place has become your home a little bit but we can't stay here anymore. 

Me: Why? * frustrated *

Zach: We don't know if Gabbie and Christina will pull anything. We don't want to see you hurt or taken away from us.

Me: I'm fine and you guys are here. 

Jack: For now. But who knows what will happen. 

I get where they're coming from but I don't want to move just because of two fake's. I started to pace when someone grabbed me from behind and hugged me. I  tried to get out of their grasp but it didn't work. I give an angry huff and give up.  I was faced at the wall so I really couldn't see who it was but I'm guessing it was Daniel.  I just had a feeling it was him. I was just thinking about this when I heard the door shut. The arms release me and I turn to see everyone gone except guess who......Daniel.  He smiles at me and I  frown. I shouldn't be making such a big deal about moving but it's just I feel good here. It reminds me of home with a forest and cozy room. I feel homesick and this is my way to cope with it. I can't go back.  But I don't want to move forward. I flop on the bed frustrated about everything. Nothing is  going right right now. Other than being marked by the boys. That's amazing but nothing else is. One bad thing after another. Daniel sits down on the edge and starts to rub my shoulder gently. I stare at him as I think then snap out of my daze. I hug him knowing to just give up on this fight. Nothing I say is going to change any of their minds. Daniel hugs back lightly before kissing my forehead. I know he wants to mark me. He's probably just as anxious as Corbyn and Jonah. Why not get it over with. I mean it's not like they mean to hurt me I know they don't but let's get the pain over with. 

Me: Daniel you can mark me.  

Daniel: * looks into my eyes * I don't want you to feel like you need to. I  don't want to pressure you. 

Me: * smiles * I can feel you want to and it's fine. I want you to. I look forward to doing this with you guy's it's just the pain that makes me worried. 

Daniel: We don't have to-

Me: * puts hand on his shoulder * Please. 

Daniel looks at me hesitantly then starts to kiss down my neck. I couldn't help but tug at his hair.  It helps me calm down. He found my sweet spot and before I could prepare myself I felt a sting in my neck. It doesn't hurt as bad with each guy but it still hurts. When he finishes he pulls out and puts his hand on my shoulder. I  move my neck feeling the same pain I did with the others. Daniel made it feel better than it should've been. I felt like I was I don't even know how to describe it. I stared at him as he looked worried. 

Daniel: Did I go to hard. I'm sorry * looks down *

Me: I'm fine Daniel it just hurts a little. 

He smiles and then his lips get super close to mine. I look into his eyes and then I felt a shock wave go through my body as he kissed me. It felt good to  feel all my feelings go away and just feel happy in the moment.  

( Hey loves, I know I didn't update yesterday and i'm sorry but my teachers are being so brutal. Tomorrow I have 2 essays plus 3 tests so I might not be able to update tomorrow either. But anyway, I  hope you guys like my book. Thank you  for 3.1K reads. I'm dancing in my room from excitement. Thank you also for the votes and comments.  I love you all. Also where's the fake's?)

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