Corbyn's P.O.V.

I snuggle up to Ava as she sleeps. This is what pure bliss is. Just being around the one you love and nothing else.

Ava's P.O.V.

When I wake up the sun is blinding my face with it's warm but annoying light. I put my hand in the way blocking it's rays when I feel someone slightly stir beside me. I see Corbyn snuggled into my side. I smile, normally I was taught that you shouldn't sleep with someone until you're married but this just felt normal. But in my self defence I didn't ask Corbyn to sleep with me so therefore it's not my fault. But I don't mind that he did. 😏 I look around to find we're in a hotel room. Jonah is like so out of it right now I think even with a jackhammer I couldn't wake him up. Haha Daniels snoring. The tooth gap makes his breathing sound like whistling. Corbyn OMG, he's just sleeping. I know, that sounds boring, but when you truly love someone sometimes the simplest of things make you love them more. I quietly get out of the bed and go to the bathroom. Then take a shower. I put on a hotel robe and walk out to see them all still sleeping. I shake my head and call room service ordering everything I think the boys would like plus myself. But where's Jack and Zach? I look on the small table to see two room numbers. We're in room 125 and I'm guessing 124 is where Zach and Jack are. I hear a quiet knock on the door and I answer for room service to give me our food. I thank the nice lady and let her get back to work. I shut the door on accident without being quiet and poor Daniel and Corbyn jump up terrified like it's the end of the world. Corbyn's eyes were wild with fear when I wasn't in bed then he sees me at the door. Daniel looked like he got electrocuted with his messy and frizzled hair. They both sigh when they see me and Jonahs still there dead to the world sleeping. Haha. 😅🤣😆😂

( Hey everyone just found out my book can be put in the wattys so imma try to finish this book before the wattys end date. Love y'all ❣️. God bless. )

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