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Zach's P.O.V. 

I'm sorry but that joke was hilarious. I couldn't help myself. Me and the guys had a good laugh but Ava just stood there with Daniel still blocking the door. She looked a little upset so I stopped laughing. But she just walked up to the room she slept in, which is hers, and closed the door. The boys all were silent by this time. They gave me a death glare then left up the stairs. I didn't know I was going to hurt her feelings or upset her. Great, I love her and I just hurt her feelings. 

Ava's P.O.V. 

Yeah, I just walked to my room and shut the door. I don't care. I wasn't just going to stand there and get laughed at let alone waste anymore time when I'm not going to get the answers I need to know.  I'm going to try to escape. Or think of a plan to escape. I flopped on my bed when someone knocked on my door. 

Me: Who is it?

Jonah: It's us.

Me: I just want to be left alone right now. 

Daniel: We're sorry for laughing. * gentle *

Me: * rolls eyes * That's not really why I left but it doesn't matter. 

I roll over on my stomach then the door opens. 

I turn my head to literally see all the boys there. Zach I could only see his shoes but he's a little smaller than the others so It's hard to see him when they're in front of him. Zach pushes through with a sad look. 

Zach: Hey, I'm sorry I shouldn't have laughed at you or made fun of you. 

Me: That's not why I left, well I mean that's somewhat but not the main reason. 

Corbyn: Then why did you leave. *  gently but sad *

Me: * sighs * I don't want to talk about it. Can someone leave their phone so I can just listen to some music and chill. 

I know their not stupid but I asked just too see what they would do plus I did want to listen to music and chill. I just don't want 5 cute but weird boys watching me for the next couple hours til I get tired. I was thinking this when Jonah's face turns from a smile to a smirk. What is he up too. He was like looking at me with a face full of determination. What is he doing? Then he starts to speak.

Jonah: Um, we can give you one of our phones if one of us stays with you to keep an eye on you. 

I knew this was coming so I'll take it. 

Me: * sigh * Fine, so whose staying and whose leaving because I don't want 5 boys staring at me. 

Once I said this they all started staring at each other like they were talking but they weren't. These guys keep getting weirder every second I stay. I think I waited for like a whole 2 minutes before they quit staring at each other. 

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